Windows puts at our disposal a large number of functions to manage the equipment and devices that we connect. However, some of these functions are complex to use if we do not have basic knowledge. The solution is to use third-party applications, third-party applications whose user interface is much simpler. However, we can find some problem when downloading them, especially when the antivirus on duty marks the file as dangerous.
Antiviruses base their scans on lists that are updated daily which include files that may be potential dangers to the computer. But, in addition, they also use a series of criteria to mark an application as dangerous, even though it really isn’t, some of them quite absurd. To learn how to differentiate between real threats to our computer and those that are not, then we will show you the methods to find out.
Can not be downloaded applicationname.exe in a safe way
The .exe extension files are executable files, files that can include any type of virus or malware. If the application is signed correctly and Windows recognizes the origin of the application, it will not cause us any problems when installing it. However, when it comes to a file that comes from a website whose origin could not be verified or is not signed, our team’s antivirus will automatically block the download. If we are sure about the app, we can go into the notification and chat the app.
The file is not signed
When we download an application that we want to install on the computer, both Windows Defender and the antivirus application that we have installed, the first thing it does is look for the application signature, that is, who is behind of the application to detect if it is a developer associated with malicious applications. If the file is not signed by the developer, our antivirus will not be able to find out who it is from, so it automatically classifies it as a risk for the computer. If we are sure what the application is and if, after conducting an internet search, we do not find any information related to malicious software, we can safely skip this warning.
Unable to verify file source
Another fairly common warning that can pose a risk to our team is when Windows Defender or antivirus is not able to detect From what website was it downloaded?. This information is generally included in all downloads, information that is included in the browser we use to carry out the process. However, sometimes the browser is not able to include it or for whatever reason and the process fails. As in the previous case, if we know the website where we have downloaded the file from and we know that it is reliable, we will not have any problem installing it on the computer.
This program has potentially unwanted behavior
Certain types of applications allow functions that are generally associated with malicious software (eg create web servers to share/extract data). If the application is signed and the download source is available, both Windows Defender and the antivirus on duty will not present us with any problem when downloading it to the computer. However, if this is not the case, your computer’s antivirus protection will automatically block the application. Once again, if we want to be completely sure about the operation of the application, we must search the internet. And, as we always say from Softzone, only download the applications from the developer’s page, avoiding third-party websites.
Access to the protected folder is blocked
If we have activated the protection of Windows against ransomware in our equipment, it analyzes and blocks the access of any application to the directories of our equipment that we have previously authorized. If the downloads folder is found among the folders that we have protected, Windows will inform us of the problem and invite us to give it access. This feature is designed to prevent unauthorized applications from accessing system files and performing modification such as encrypting data, modus operandi of the ransomware.