
A Guide to All the Necessary Tech for First-Year Students

Arriving at college for the first time is one of the biggest events in every student’s life. Becoming a freshman often starts a new, exciting chapter of your life, which will also bring some challenges. So, how do you prepare for this new life? First of all, you want to stock up on the right tech and tools. And this article will be your guide to the must-have tools every first-year student needs!

Top Apps Every First-Year Student Needs

When you are in college, the range of must-have tech goes far beyond the physical gadgets you want to purchase. It also spans a range of programs and apps that you want to get in order to survive through college. Here are some of the most essential tools that every first-year student needs:


The first app on this list is an absolute must-have for first-year students. We all know how hard it can be to keep up with a hefty academic load at college after high school. is designed to solve this problem. This service connects students with expert academic writers who can help them get through their first year with the highest grades and no stress.


In high school, most of us are used to taking notes the traditional way (by hand). However, when you arrive at college, you can easily get overwhelmed by the huge amount of information given to you every day. Processing such a huge volume of data in handwritten notes and organizing them can be a real challenge. So, every first-year student also needs Evernote – the #1 note-taking app out there.

iStudiez Pro

Keeping up with an intensive college schedule is also quite challenging. Thus, one more app every first-year student should get is iStudiez Pro. According to reviews, this is one of the most sophisticated planner apps available today. This tool will let you track all your lectures, assignments, deadlines, exam dates, and other important things with ease.

Document Editing App

This can be Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, or similar. It shouldn’t be a secret to you that studying in the 21st century means performing plenty of tasks and projects with the help of tech. This includes typing academic papers, preparing photo and video presentations, etc. Therefore one more must-have thing for every first-year student is Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, or similar app suites that will provide you with the necessary tools you need to complete your assignments.

Top Gadgets to Invest in

You already know about the top apps you will need to get through your first year in college. Now, we can move on to the most challenging part – the top gadgets first-year students need to invest in before arriving at college.

The starter kit is pretty basic. Becoming a college student, each of you will need three items essential for your studies:

  • Laptop for completing your assignments, conducting research, and entertainment;
  • Smartphone or seamless communication and doing some basic tasks on the go;
  • Tablet for being able to download your books onto a single device instead of carrying them around all the time.

These are the gadgets you can’t do without. However, this is not all tech that can come in handy. Apart from these basics, there are a few other handy things that can make your studies and everyday life more comfortable and productive:

1. Noise-canceling headphones

A pair of good headphones can help you in many ways. Not only does listening to music regularly has a positive effect on your brain and productivity, but this device can also help you gain more privacy during your study sessions. This is crucial for first-year students who can find it hard to concentrate in crowded and noisy dorms.

2. Power bank

This could probably be considered a must-have. Having different portable gadgets that you bring with you to college and other places, you likely want to know that none of them will die at the wrong moment. To make this real, you need a portable charging device like a power bank.

3. Smart alarm clock

According to surveys, many first-year students find it incredibly hard to wake up on time after they move into a dorm. Indeed, when you become a college freshman, you will no longer have parents around to wake you up and ensure that you get everywhere on time. Thus, one more gadget you’ll likely need is a smart alarm clock.

How to Save Money on College Tech

So, you already know about the main tools and gadgets that will help you survive through your first year at college. Now, you are probably looking for a way to buy everything you need without going over the budget. So, here are a few extra tips to help you save some money:

  • Research and compare options thoroughly – Don’t pick up the first model you come across, and also, don’t thoughtlessly buy popular brands.
  • Choose the right time for shopping – If you want to get the best prices, timing is crucial. Shop during sales seasons and keep an eye on time-sensitive offers.
  • Look for deals – Both physical and online stores offer occasional deals on different types of products. Sometimes, you can come across deals that will let you purchase the needed tech without a hassle. So, be sure to keep an eye on current deals.
  • Don’t strive to buy new – Of course, purchasing a new gadget always feels good. However, it’s also rather expensive. Instead, you can shop for used or refurbished devices to reduce the price tag and afford everything you need with ease.

The Bottom Line

As you now know, stocking up on the right apps and tools is an important part of pre-college preparation. These days, different tech tools can really make a student’s life simpler and less stressful. You just need to know what to look for.

Luckily, you can now use this article as your shopping guide. Hopefully, it will help you get on the right track and purchase everything you need to make your first year at college enjoyable and successful!

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