
Almost half of Spaniards use the Internet for educational purposes

Internet use to access education It is increasingly widespread in Spain. This is clear from the analysis carried out by the SEO Eskimoz agency, which, based on official data from the last three years, has verified how the percentage of users who use the network for educational activities is increasing.

In 2022, almost 50% of Spanish Internet users used the network on some occasion to carry out an activity related to education. Specific, the percentage was 46%. This represents a growth of 6.5% compared to 2019, according to Eskimoz’s analysis based on INE data.

One has to take two variables into account. The first is that digitization is increasingly common among companies, also among those in the education sector that have opted to make online training accessible. The second, obviously, is that there is an increasing number of people who use the Internet on a daily basis”explains Maxence Marius, general director of Eskimoz in Spain.

Access to online education exceeds other socially more common activities such as the sale of goods and services, below 20%, or participation in virtual political life issuing opinions on the main public offices. Both cases are around that 20%, well below education, which is already close to almost 50%.

“There are more and more companies that offer express courses, the cost of which is lower. In addition, the internationalization of education allows users from different geographical locations to take advantage of the offer of a center that is far from their area”Marius details.

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In addition, the increasingly broad access to the network also explains the greater demand capacity. In 2019, according to INE data analyzed by the agency, there were 90% Spanish Internet users. In the most recent data, this percentage has risen to 94.5%, a clear increase that is stabilizing and reflects the digitization of the population.

This e-learning market trend has been verified in the main search engines, where the offer is increasing. “Investment in marketing and SEO positioning is in full swing. There is a great struggle to attract customers on the Internet”says the person in charge of Eskimoz.

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