
Amazon’s best-selling steering wheel has an incredible hack to play better

Logitech steering wheels are the most popular models among users who want to get started in the world of simracing. And it’s a pretty sensible thing. For the beginning user, Logitech is a brand that sounds familiar. On the other hand, the wheels of this brand offer very good value for money and do not have the toy feel that we usually find in cheaper models. If we were to find fault with the logitech steering wheels, we could point out that they are not customizable, that is, we are not allowed to replace the rim depending on the type of car we are using. Well, there is a company that has solved this problem and manufactures mods to level up logitech steering wheels.

This is how you can improve your Logitech steering wheels

Buying a steering wheel to start playing simulation video games is not an easy task. No matter how excited you are, you don’t want to spend too much money in case the hobby doesn’t completely convince you later. There are steering wheels and pedals of all kinds, but Logitech models and some Thrustmaster models are usually the middle ground. They are not excessively expensive, they offer a very good console compatibility and computer, and are products of quality.

If we look up, we could say that there is no price limit when it comes to professional models. And of course, the most affordable equipment has to cut costs somewhere. Logitech wheels do not allow the rim to be replaced. They carry the standard one and we will have to settle for that throughout the life of the steering wheel. If we spend hundreds of hours in a single-seater, we will not be able to replace the rim with a Formula 1 steering wheel. And that annoys some users.

Well, the British company MVH Studios has found a good vein in Logitech flyers. On their website they sell expansion kits for logitech wheels of this generation and the previous one (G923 and G29/G920).

custom hoops

logitech steering wheel mod

MVH Studios sells its own Formula 1 hoop. They are quite cheap, but require removing the original Logitech steering wheel rim and installing this model. The operation is simple, but we will not be able to remove and put the steering wheel as in other models of much higher range. Therefore, the normal thing is that, if we get hold of one of these controls to drive racing cars, the modification remains permanent in our device.

the rings are worth from 50 euros, and you can fully customize the materials and style of the steering wheel. Regarding the design, there are several, many of them inspired by the steering wheels of the F1 teams that compete in the world championship this year. For example, you can get a steering wheel style Hamilton, Verstappen, Ferrari (Red and Tifosi) or even mythical designs like Bentley or Porsche Martini.

Logitech pedalboard mod

logitech pedalboard mod

One of the few complaints some power users still using Logitech wheels have is that you can’t customize the pedal pressure as it can be adjusted on more advanced pedalboards. MVH Studios has also solved this with their Logitech pedalboard mod. Is a spring set which is worth a few 15 euros and that will allow you to have a more interesting control of the simulation. The modification is easy to install and fully reversible.

Telemetry Display

logitech telemetry screen

And we come to the jewel in the crown. The telemetry screen It is a spectacular accessory to add to our Logitech steering wheel and give it unprecedented capabilities. We will see the LEDs to change gear, speed, braking distribution… whatever you want. Of course, to enjoy this accessory, you will have to play on pc.

If you have been interested in these mods, the youtuber Geek Street has a video where he has installed and tested some of these products. In general, the installation seems simple and the prices of the accessories are really interesting.

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