
Apple TV + one-year free offer is reduced to three months

Until recently, whoever bought one of the devices selected by Apple, acquired the possibility of being able to have a one-year subscription to Apple TV + for free. With this, the company was able to attract numerous potential paying subscribers when they “hooked” on a series. Apple should have thought better about the commercial strategy because the offer it is now reduced to three months.

Buyers of Apple devices will continue to receive a free trial of Apple TV +, however the duration of that free subscription will be reduced from one year to three months. Beginning July 1, 2021, users who purchase an Apple device selected by Apple will receive three months of Apple TV + free of charge. It is the first general change in the trial offer since it was unveiled in conjunction with the original Apple TV + launch in 2019.

After a trial, users pay the established monthly fee to access original and non-original Apple content. Therefore, users who bought iPhones, iPads, or other Apple devices when Apple TV + was launched They were able to see them for free until last November 2020.

Now, Apple then extended this promotion until February 2021. It was presumed that Apple did it so that even the first users could follow in a free trial when the second seasons of their shows began airing. Some of those early subscribers had already been switched to a paid version. Manzana issued refunds to those users.

Right now and shortly before that extension ended, Apple extended it again. This time the trial period, even for the first subscribers, would take them until the end of June 2021. We suppose that Apple wants them to continue enjoying Apple TV +, it could be that it was a way of giving grace to those customers who renew their devices from year to year.

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