Again we run into an auction in which the protagonists are Apple devices and even a leather jacket from Steve Jobs himself, an Apple II manual signed by the founder of Apple himself and more objects related to the Cupertino company in its early days.
The Apple I that is for sale in this auction is fully functional and belongs to the Roger Wagner collection. This old computer was previously sold in April 2002 at the Vintage Computer Festival in 2002. Wagner, author of the first book on programming for Apple II, He is a friend of Steve Wozniak.
In this case, the auctioneer will start at $ 50,000 for the Apple I, but could sell for about $ 450,000. Last March an Apple I similar to this one sold for $ 458,000, although on that occasion it appears to be in slightly better condition.
On the other hand from RR Auctions which is in charge of carrying out this auction It is estimated that the jacket and the manual can reach prices above $ 25,000, although there are not too many references in this regard and it will be time to see how much their price is finally left. The leather jacket was worn by Jobs in the 1983 photo in which the legendary Apple CEO “made a comb” in IBM’s lake.
The manual was signed by Jobs and Mark Markkula, with a note addressed to Julian Brewer, in which it says: “Julian, Your generation is the first to grow up with computers. Go change the world! Steven Jobs, 1980 ». Julian Brewer is the son of Michael Brewer, who negotiated Apple’s UK distribution rights back in 1979. Enough history in these articles, don’t you think?