What to automate at home for Christmas
automate tasks, convert devices into smart ones, save energy… Home automation can be applied in different ways and Christmas is a perfect time for it. You can prepare your home if you are going to receive visitors or simply so that certain tasks that you want to perform are automated every day.
automate lights
Something basic that you can do at Christmas thanks to home automation is to automate lights. You have Christmas lights in your house and you have to turn them on or off every day? You can make this process automatic. You can even set it to turn on when people are home, at certain times, etc.
You don’t need to buy special lights, just have a smart plug. You connect the Christmas lights through that plug that you will be able to control remotely from your mobile. Even outside the house you could turn the lights on or off if you wanted. Also, if that plug is compatible with Alexa or Google Home you can control it using voice commands.
Play music
Do you like to play Christmas carols and Christmas music at home? You can take advantage of home automation to turn on the music at certain times, schedule the shutdown, etc. For example, if you are going to receive visitors at home on Christmas Eve, you can schedule the music to turn on at a specific time.
There are many smart speakers that you can control by voice. Sometimes you can even sync the music with color-changing smart bulbs. You can give a more Christmas atmosphere to your home in this way.
Stoves or radiators
At Christmas you will surely be interested keep a good temperature from home, but at the same time try not to waste so as not to overpay on the electricity or gas bill. Something fundamental is to control the use of stoves and radiators. There, home automation will help you have greater control and be able to save.
One option is to have a smart thermostat that you can program and always maintain a good temperature. But you could also even use a smart plug to control a radiator or stove that is not. So you can easily schedule the power on and off, even without having to be at home. For example, if you’re having guests over for dinner and you’re still out, you can turn them on remotely.
Prepare security sensors
If you want to improve home security, especially at Christmas, a good option is prepare sensors. There are different types and they can help you detect gas and water leaks, measure air quality, temperature… Home automation in this sense provides an extra security that you can take advantage of.
Think of a family meal for Christmas. Surely there are more people than usual at home, maybe children too, and having to cook more can cause problems of forgetting something in the oven, etc. These sensors can help us and launch a warning.
In short, these are some options that you can take into account to automate your home for Christmas. You can automate certain tasks and also achieve greater energy savings.