
Best Blue Wallpapers for Mac

blue wallpaper

After having brought you to this space, the best wallpapers for Mac and the best mountain and beach backgrounds, I have yet to bring you closer the best wallpapers for the blue Mac. This color, whose wavelength measures between 460 and 482 nm, is highly appreciated by many for its healing powers, the ability to calm people and above all because it is a very neutral color that almost everyone likes. Blue is the color of water, of the sky and we perceive it as something natural. That is why this color as a wallpaper is the best you can put.

In this new entry in which I hope to bring you the best blue wallpapers, starting with one that cannot be missed. The Sea. In this case I have chosen the calm water of essential liquid that is found in greater proportion on earth. By the way, a secret, it is commonly believed that the sea is blue because it is a reflection of the sky, however members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States have established that this idea is wrong. According to experts, the ocean is blue because it reflects sunlight. In fact, the sea is something so spectacular that few people I know do not say that it is something wonderful and disturbing at the same time.

I have to admit that I love being able to see its waters, yes, as long as they are in calm and daytime. At night it scares me a lot and when the water is choppy or when there are a lot of waves, it gives me a lot of respect. Although I know that it is the Holy Grail of many who are looking for the waves to be able to surf, I prefer to stay on the sand watching how others do it.

Sea wallpaper with waves

Now, the color of the sea may not be blue because the color of the sky is not reflected, because the sky is blue. Well not always, of course. We have the sunsets, the sunrises, even those sunsets that are like fire and dye the sky red. But of course if we say to think of something that is blue, right away we go to heaven That is why it is important in this post that deals with the best blue wallpapers for Mac, not to forget about the sky. Here are some images that I’m sure you’ll like.

sky background

blue sky background

blue sky background

Let’s continue navigating through the color blue, that not everything is the water and the sky. We find color in one of the hours of the day that is appreciated by many photographers. It is called blue hour, It is also known as the magic hour and now you will know why. By definition it is the time before sunrise and before sunset. The light on this occasion is soft, diffuse, magical. It makes everything you see look calm. In the following wallpapers, you will see why it is magical. Everything takes on another form and those colors naturally give off magic.

blue background

background mountains blue hour

boreal blue background

Colors are very important. As I said before, blue resembles calm. Colors have the ability to evoke different moods, to generate emotions. Blue is a color that is associated with nature. When we see skies like the previous ones, we see that the day is clear and calm. That makes us feel good. But as we have seen in the images of the blue hour, we may also be able to associate it with cold and even icy places. If we think carefully, shades of blue mix in landscapes with snow and ice. But that is also very popular with most mortals.

But blue is not alone in nature. We see blue in many places and it is a color that combines with many others. It is a very helpful color. In fact, there are very good wallpapers using the color blue in images that are called conceptual. Those that seem to say nothing or make no sense but that catch you as soon as you see them and that you are not able to stop looking at them. You come in handy as wallpapers for our Macs. Here are some that I hope you like.

blue conceptual background

conceptual blue background 2

conceptual blue background 3

We can also find images of landscapes that have blue as the protagonist. It is true that if we do not only use the sky, the sea or the blue hour, the options seem scarce but there are. We are going to put some examples and I am sure that some of them will become chosen for at least during accompanying you in your tasks with the computer.

blue landscape buildings

blue space

We can also choose those images that, although we know they are not real at all, we can include them because, after all, what it is about is giving a little color to our computer screens. A wallpaper that makes our eyes happy when we turn it on. That’s why I’m also going to add some that I personally love them And I’m sure they will make you happy too.

pink blue background

blue Wolf

By the way, there are many color wallpapers blue that are totally abstract and that would come in handy for those people who want minimalism on their Mac. A wallpaper with the color blue but not “distracting”. I use this word because I know a lot of people who want their fund to be as aseptic as possible so they can focus on what is considered very important. Keep in mind that in this, it is like the tastes and as they say, for tastes the colors. But in this case we focus on blue.

aseptic bottom

blue aseptic background

As we have said that blue is calm and tranquility. But I can assure you that it is also the color of humor, at least as far as computers are concerned. Now you will understand why I tell you. Keep in mind that it seems to me one of the biggest mistakes chosen by the Microsoft company. The expression blue screen has even been used in everyday tasks of our lives. Considering that it means that something terrible has happened and is the harbinger of something coming to an end. How is the color blue chosen to warn of something bad? Anyway, it’s Windows hehehehe.

blue screen

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