
Better organize your library of ebooks so you don’t lose any again

However, as with the other types of files that we have mentioned above, if we do not order them correctly, locating one in particular can become chaos. Keep in mind that it is a specific type of information, I think that at the specific moment we need to extract specific content. As you can imagine, if from the beginning we have not structured and ordered all this correctly, the task of locating a certain file can be quite complicated.

Therefore, if you are considering organizing your electronic book library, it will never hurt to follow certain guidelines. In this way we will achieve a much more organized data structure and its subsequent location will be greatly simplified.

Use a specific program for managing electronic books

As with many other software sectors, in this case we find a good number of solutions that will help us in these tasks. This is the case of programs such as caliber and many others that allow us to easily manage our library of books. How could it be otherwise, these offer us a good number of functions and characteristics for these tasks of order and management.

Caliber interface

At the same time, in addition to an intuitive user interface, they put additional functions in our hands, such as reading or converting these digital content. However, one of the drawbacks of this is that we depend on that chosen application.

Create a good folder structure on disk

On many occasions, as we receive or buy these reading content, we drop them in some way on our disk drives. However, in this case the best we can do is create a good folder structure. In addition, it is advisable in this case to use an external storage unit, since we will not always have the need to immediately have all those files.

This will allow us to save space on the main unit of the PC and to be able to take all our ebooks to any other computer. For this we can create a main folder and appear and from it start creating subfolders. They are we can name them based on the type of categorization that we want to carry out. They can be created by alphabetical order, authors, genre, type of book, Release year, etc.

Download and add the corresponding ebook metadata

This is something that happens in many types of files, which in addition to their visible content, have other hidden information called metadata. These elements that we are talking about can be used for a multitude of tasks, including what interests us in this case. In fact, for each of the titles in Internet We can find and download the corresponding metadata that refer to that ebook, which will help us to classify them in a more efficient way.

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