Bing now lets you adjust the tone of responses

Bing is the star of the moment. If we were told, a few months ago, that Microsoft’s search engine was going to be starring in the news on an almost daily basis, in the best of cases we would have expressed our skepticism about it. At worst, I don’t need to tell you, surely you can imagine the reactions that an approach like that would have aroused. And yet, since the new Bing with Prometheus was officially announced just over three weeks ago, and especially since Microsoft sent out the first invitations and we were able to start testing it, there is rarely a day that there is not some interesting news about it. .

This is because Microsoft is working very quickly to improve the chatbot, since they are aware that they are playing with an advantage during these weeks, having anticipated Google, and they want their proposal to be well polished and established before Bard begins to reach users. But, as we mentioned yesterday, when talking about the integration of Bing in the Windows 11 taskbar, those of Redmond are also aware of the importance of being in the limelight and, consequently, they are striving to provide a lot of news regarding to the search engine

Thus, the latest news, so far, is that now the new Bing now allows you to adjust the tone of the chatbot’s responses. This is not a surprise, in truth, we already told you a few weeks ago that this adjustment was in Bing’s near future plans, so the question was when he would do it. Even so, it is increasingly evident that in Redmond they have put a very significant number of their engineers and developers to work on the new Bing features, since the speed with which these new features are arriving is simply amazing.

And what does that mean to be able to adjust the tone of the responses? Well, now users who have already gained access to the new Bing will see, at the top of the page, a selector that shows the three conversation styles that the chatbot offers: creative, balanced and precise. The names of the three modes already allow us to get an idea of ​​what we will obtain with each one of them, but to confirm it, it seemed to me that the best thing was to go to the source, that is, ask Bing himself. And the answer seemed to me most interesting and clarifying.

The first thing he did was give me a general description:

«The Precise tone gives you shorter, search-focused answers, without much elaboration or extra commentary. The Balanced tone gives you more complete and balanced answers, with some relevant details and suggestions. The Creative tone gives you longer, talkative answers, with more personality and humor.»

With this we can already be quite clear, but the chatbot wanted to go further, setting an example It helps to understand it more clearly. Thus, he has posed a hypothetical question, “What is love” and, then, has formulated what the answer would be with each of the three tones:

  • accurate pitch: «Love is a feeling of deep affection towards another person or thing.«
  • balanced tone: «Love is a feeling of deep affection towards another person or thing, which manifests itself in different ways depending on the context and the relationship. Some forms of love are romantic love, family love, platonic love, and self-love.«
  • creative tone: «Love is a feeling of deep affection for another person or thing, which can make you feel butterflies in your stomach, palpitations in your heart and stars in your eyes. Love is a powerful force that can inspire great works of art, music, and poetry. Love can also be complicated and painful at times, but it is always worth a try.«

And, to top it off, he wanted to confirm that he had understood it correctly.

Personally, having an artificial intelligence talk to me about butterflies in my stomach and tell me that love is difficult but that it’s worth it… oh, the truth is that I’m not quite sure how to handle it, but there’s no doubt that it knows what it’s all about. talking. I don’t want to think about what awaits us if, one day, Bing falls in love and his love is unrequited, I already see myself a fourth response tone, full of melancholy and cynicism, just like humans when our hearts have been broken.

But hey, jokes aside, this advance is quite important, since it allows us to use the precise mode when we want to avoid the risk of invented responses (something that, by the way, is not remotely as common as in other chatbots). Remember that if you want to try it, for now access is obtained through a waiting list in which you can register at this link. Personally, from my own experience in this regard, I recommend that you do so.

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