We will also analyze its price and therefore if it is worth more to change it or simply sell it for what they give us and buy a new console.
Can the screen be changed?
The answer is simple, yes. Like any device with a screen, it can be replaced with a new one whenever we buy a compatible one, we can’t want to replace the Lite with an OLED, it will have to be the same one it came with.
The replacement is not very complicated if we want to do it ourselves, there are multiple tutorials on the internet on how to do it, however, if we have never done any, it will probably cost us a bit, we will need the necessary tools and be careful not to break the new one, therefore, if it is your first time, it is possible that it compensates you that someone does it for you. The switch is currently the best-selling device therefore there are a thousand options to hire.
What prices do you have?
First of all we are going to see the prices and therefore what compensates us more.
On the one hand we have different options. We can find it on Amazon for around €60, as well as on AliExpress for €25. There is a big difference in price, it will be a matter of whether you are in a hurry or not, and what degree of guarantee you want.
With this data and knowing what it costs, we can try to change it ourselves or directly look for a service on the internet or in person near where we live, that will do it for us.
The online options range from €55 to €85 with everything included, from the screen itself, to labor and even shipping on your part and later on by theirs. Of course, just like if you buy it from AliExpress, this will leave you without your console for longer than if you buy it yourself on Amazon and assemble it in an hour.
Knowing this, the way and price you want to repair it is up to you, simply now you already have in mind that it can be done and the prices for which it is usually around.
It is not as expensive as other consoles or mobiles and therefore the option of having to buy another is more insane, screen replacement would be the best option. Unless your Nintendo Switch already has battery or connection issues, in which case, selling it for parts is likely more profitable than having to swap several yourself. It all depends on why your screen has crackedsince if it was in a big fall you will have to analyze that it does not have more damaged components.
If you have any questions or concerns about your change, leave us a comment and we will try to help you. I know that it can be difficult to do it yourself the first time, but by following a good tutorial and without rushing, you will get it done for sure, and the next times you have to repair a device like this, it will seem super easy.