When we change residence from one city to another, we must register in the new location to be registered there. Well, the same thing happens if we have a vehicle and we go to live somewhere else.
Just as people have their national identity document, cars have their chassis number and registration certificate as supporting documents. In parallel, our vehicle must be registered in some location true at all times. Likewise, we have the obligation to pay a series of taxes related to our car to be able to move with it.
A clear example of all this can be found in the road tax that we pay religiously every year and that is not funny to almost anyone. Of course, in addition to the motorization of our vehicle, the cost that we have to to pay For this tax that we are talking about, it varies a lot depending on the town where you have the tax domicile. Basically this means that we will be able to pay more or less money from this road tax depending on where we have our car registered.
Whenever necessary, we have the possibility of modifying this tax domicile, which can sometimes mean significant tax savings. Until now, we made this change through the corresponding official buildings in person. However, thanks to technology and the Internet, right now we can save those long queues and wait and change the tax address of the vehicle from home. Precisely below we are going to show you how you can carry out this procedure using only your computer and the corresponding web browser.
How to change the tax address of the car from home
At this point we can confirm that this is one of the many procedures that the General direction of traffic makes available to us from its official website. All this in order to facilitate this type of task and save us time to be able to make these changes digitally and much more quickly. Initially, to change the tax address of our car, the first thing we do is access the official website of the DGT enabled for this type of procedure.
As indicated, we must take into account that we can change this tax address that locality in which we are registered at that moment. Likewise, it is important to know that the corresponding circulation tax is paid in the town where we have the car domiciled on January 1 of that same year. As we told before, until recently this was something we had to do in person, but now we can save it.
From the web that we have mentioned before we have the possibility of downloading and filling in the corresponding official documents in PDF necessary for this change of tax domicile of the vehicle. Obviously, to make this change that we are talking about, we have to identify ourselves digitally on the website of the DGT. This is something that we can carry out in a simple way thanks to the electronic ID or the Cl@ve method.
From there we will only have to follow the steps requested and fill in the documentation that they are requesting to make this change.