C is one of the most basic essential languages that we can find. It is true that lately something has been left aside compared to other much more modern languages, such as Rust, which have additional functions (such as memory protection) and much more versatile. However, it is still a very important language that, for better or for worse, we must know.
The most common mistakes when programming
Mistakes We can commit many, from initializing a variable incorrectly, to not doing it, or making a mistake when writing a function and calling another that we should not. It all depends on the skill and concentration we have when programming. However, there are always some mistakes that stand out from the rest, like these. API vulnerabilities lie everywhere, it is crucial to spot them and do everything to prevent potential breaches.
All statements in a C program must end in semicolon. When we start a variable, perform an operation, or close a function, this symbol must be present. If we forget about it, the compiler will not know how to identify the end of the instruction and, therefore, we will get an error.
The same can happen when you misuse the semicolon. If instead of using it to close a function, we use it in the call of one, this function will be cut off. And therefore, you will not be able to continue the build process.
Braces and parentheses
Other elements that can affect the code if they are missing, or misplaced, are these. All functions must have a specific structure. If we break it, that function just won’t work. For example, we can forget about the closing brace when finishing a function, or a block of code. And then, by not returning to the beginning, we will generate problems of all kinds.
If we put them wrong, the result will be the same. And if we forget the parentheses, the function will be badly defined and, therefore, it will also give us an error.
It may also happen that let’s declare the variables wrong, that we do not initialize them, and even that we declare them with the wrong type. Declare variables is essential in C (although in other languages it is not necessary), since the program directly reserves the space in memory to guarantee the correct operation of the program.
And not only that, but we must initialize them by giving them the value we want them to have by default. Since, otherwise, they will take the value that is in RAM at that moment, be it 0 or the random value that your cell has.
Finally, let’s talk about the bounds of variables, arrays or strings. When declaring the variables, we must specify the type of variable that it will be, and the size that it will have. If, for example, we are going to use a 10-character string, it will be declared appropriately.
And we must be careful, when working with her, not to go out of her limits, as that would affect the rest of the program. The same goes for data arrays when programming.
A good IDE will help us to program without errors
How can we avoid these mistakes? Normally, compilers help us avoid them by giving an error at the time of compile a program. In addition, it is also useful to manually review the code when we create it, creating a checklist with these errors to check them before launching the compiler.
And, although we can program in C in any text editor, a good IDE with smart functions will help us detect, and mitigate, these errors.