
Check what you have installed or your Internet will be worse

To have a good Internet connection, it is important to take into account different aspects that can influence it. It is going to be key to have a good router, to have a good receiver and, also, take care of what you install on the devices. Precisely, we are going to talk about the latter in this article. We are going to explain how having certain applications installed that could malfunction can affect your Internet connection.

The objective is to have a good connection, which allows you to browse the Internet normally, without interruptions and avoid problems. If you have a program that generates conflicts, that is poorly configured or has a bug, that will also negatively affect your Internet connection and you will have problems.

What programs to review

There are certain programs that can especially affect the Internet connection. You could have problems if you have them installed and they are not configured correctly or do not work correctly. Some will be necessary for your safety, but you need to use them well.


The first thing you should check is the antivirus. It is probably the program that could most affect the operation of the system. By no means do we mean by this that you do not install an antivirus, since it is necessary to always have security programs; You do need to make sure it works well and is configured correctly.

It is key to install a antivirus that is guaranteed, to reduce the risk of having problems. This will help your Internet connection work well, without interruptions or loss of speed.


If you have a firewall, it could also be a problem. It’s another type of security software which can come in handy to block malicious connections. You can even use it to prevent certain programs from accessing the Internet and, in this way, be able to save data if you need it.

However, due to the functionality of a firewall itself, it can slow down the connection or even block, without you knowing it, access to the network for certain applications. This will mean that you will have to take measures and solve it to be able to navigate normally and not have problems of this type.


Having a VPN is a very useful option in many cases. Serves for encrypt the connection when you connect to public networks, for example. It is also useful for accessing sites that may be geo-blocked. There are many options, but we recommend using safe ones, such as Surfshark or NordVPN.

If you use a VPN that is not reliable or is poorly configured, you could have serious problems when browsing the Internet. You may notice loss of speed, outages, and difficulties using the network on certain devices.


Of course, the browser is a key piece. If it doesn’t work well, if it has a problem, that will affect navigation. You may have difficulty accessing certain pages or being able to watch streaming content without interruptions. It’s fundamental choose a good programsuch as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, among others.

Check that your browser is updated, check that it does not have extensions that slow down the connection, and that will help you avoid problems. If you notice that something is not right, that it is still slow, then you should check what may be affecting the Internet connection.

Therefore, as you can see, there are certain programs that you should control on your devices and thus avoid problems when connecting to the Internet. What we are going to look for is to have good speed, quality and stability, without annoying continuous cuts appearing.

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