Google has just rolled out version 101 of Chrome, its flagship browser. After making significant changes with version 100, this new version is content to integrate minor changes, such as an overhaul of the download manager. We take stock together of what’s new.
At the end of March 2022, Google rolled out version 100 of Chrome, a milestone for the Mountain View company’s flagship browser. The opportunity for the manufacturer to carry out major changes to Chromeincluding better browser integration with the Material You interface on Android, a new API dedicated to screen sharing and a redesign of the app logo on iOS and Android.
Four weeks later, Google is rolling out version 101 of Google Chrome. Unsurprisingly, this new version is rather sparse in new features and is content to integrate minor modifications alongside a dozen various fixes. Note, however, that to take advantage of the rare new features offered by Chrome 101, you will have to go through the flag system. This section allows you to activate options whose development has not yet been finalized by the Google teams.
The list of what’s new in Google Chrome 101
And precisely, what are these novelties? We concern with a redesign of the download manager interface. Now, all downloaded files will be accessible from a single tab located at the top right of the window, as offered by Microsoft Edge. To activate it, you must go to the following page chrome://flags/#download-bubble and pass the parameter to Enabled.
Next, Chrome’s built-in password manager also welcomes a new feature. You can now add “Notes” to your various browser-saved passwords. This space will allow you to leave a reminder for example.
Tab group backup is finally here. It’s not too early, since this feature was originally announced on Chrome 95. To take advantage of it, you will once again have to activate the feature on the chrome://flags/#tab-groups-save page. This tool is extremely practical, and will allow you to access in one click the groups of tabs that you have saved. Convenient for bringing together several pages dedicated to a particular theme, for example.