Cleaning the speaker of our iPhone is one of the maintenance that, unfortunately, is more frequent. and it is that over time, the fact of carrying it in your pocket, and that in the end it is the device that we touch with our hands the longest throughout the day, is that the speaker ends up gradually collecting specks of dust and other residues that end up plugging it more less frequently.
This process occurs, in most cases, so little by little that the iPhone with which you are reading this may already have part of this residue to a certain extent. However, we do not notice a difference in the audio, largely because we use headphones, but in its direct use it is so gradual that we do not realize it until we do a good cleaning, where we will notice a considerable improvement if we do it correctly.
Today in I’m from Mac, We are going to show you how an Apple technician performs and recommends clean the speaker of our great used iPhone.
The first thing to mention is that these steps are compatible with all iPhone models, and we could extrapolate it to other devices from other brands. Another important point to note is that the instruments used guarantee the conservation in the best conditions of all the materials, both the speaker and the speaker protector, or any other component in contact with which we will use. That being said, let’s move on to the different steps depending on how much our device is affected.
preventive cleaning
Tools needed:
The first case that will require us to clean the speaker of our iPhone will be the mildest of all that we can find. It is the one in which we clean our speaker on a regular basis, simply to avoid that at some point the fault may be noticeable. This is the most common step and the one that many users will follow.
Surely you have read many articles where they use a toothbrush, luckily you have come to the right article, since what we want is to clean our headset, not to put the dirt inside.
This putty, colloquially called poster gum or similar names, You will find it very easily on the internet, neighborhood hardware store or included in your nearest hundred everything. As you can see, it is not at all rare and difficult to achieve.
The method to apply it is very simple and intuitive as well. We will only have to take a little square, since it usually comes previously divided in this format, or failing that, a pinch. We will make sure that it is enough to be able to stretch without leaving residues, although the speaker is somewhat small, this putty is cheap, do not skimp in making your iPhone perfect.
We’ll smash the putty against the speaker, which causes specks and debris to stick to the caulk, and come off when peeled off. Only we will have to repeat the process several timesdepending on the amount of residue that our speaker has, huntil we see that it is like new.
partial obstruction
Tools needed:
- pin or similar
- adhesive putty
In this case, the clogging of our speaker will be more evident, and the previously mentioned putty will not be enough to clean the iPhone speaker, it is time to bring reinforcements.
At this point we understand that our loudspeaker has a solid layer that is found in localized parts or on the entire surface of the loudspeaker. In this state we will have to use a very fine sharp objectas much as we can, to remove these layers without putting them inside, simply making them removable by our great and new friend the adhesive putty.
We will have to repeat the process again several times until we remove all the remains and it’s perfect again. At this point we could replace the pin with a thick bristle brush, as thick as we can to prevent dirt from entering our speaker, but if we have the possibility of using the pointed object our cleaning will be more optimal, always remembering that the putty will be in charge of removing the residuesnot uncontrollably scratching the dirt.
complete obstruction
Tools needed:
- pin or similar
- adhesive putty
Without a doubt, if you have reached this point, you will need to clean the iPhone speaker thoroughly, since it is quite clogged and it is easily noticeable that its volume level has decreased considerably. For this case, and without having to take it to a technical service where they will do just what we are going to discuss belowwe are going to leave our speaker as new.
Preceding the steps that we have seen previously, we will have to carry out a different cleaning before moving on to the steps that we already know.
In this case, and instead of the compressed air, which is strongly discouragedas it can damage the membrane of the earphone, we will have a product that most users are also unaware of its existence, this is the LUBRILIMO. You can also easily find it online or in somewhat more specialized stores. We leave you a link on Amazon for convenience.
This product has several variants, we will use the zero variantwhich leaves zero residue behind, is even better than the much-used isopropyl alcohol for cleaning, and dries extremely quickly.
What we will do at this point is to use the spray product with the precision applicator that it will bring, first of all to clean the entire surface as we did in the previous step. The difference in this case will be that later yes, we will try to get the product we are using to penetrate the interior of the speaker, in case there is debris inside or it has caused the speaker membrane to no longer vibrate properly. After each application we will shake our device to cause the instant drying of the product, since if it receives some air it will dry instantly.
However, It is important to mention that we will only have to follow this step when our speaker is very affected; sounds very low, very muffled, or if the previous steps have not had a good result.
With these steps and a couple of not too conventional products you should be able to make your speaker unrecognizableyour friends will think that you have changed your mobile, in addition, you will not have to resort to a technical service where you will follow these same steps, in the best of casesbecause even in many of them they use other worse techniques.
This same process it is applicable to the upper and lower speaker, and it is even a very effective way to clean all models of AirPods. And don’t worry about warranties, if you end up having to use the spray product we mentioned, this does not support activation of humidity sensors on Apple devicesso they will not be able to tell you in any future case that the device has gotten wet from this process.
Finally, an important note; Avoid using programs or shortcuts that vibrate the speaker to try to remove dirt or water. These processes only force the speaker membrane to vibrate, and although they may fulfill their function, in the medium-long term they will end up causing our speaker to start distorting the sound.
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