Cyberpunk 2077 is delayed again, and they are going …

It seemed impossible that Cyberpunk 2077 would add one more delay to his resume, right? Well, not really that much, to the point that we already warned about it a couple of months ago. However, it seems that the marketing machinery continues to function just as “well” (I hope you understand that the quotation marks denote sarcasm) as it did last year, to the point that it seems that impossible promises are still part of the communication policy of the company.

What do I mean? You may remember, at the beginning of September the company presented a financial report in which, as often happens in this type of documents, not only numbers of the closed fiscal years are shown, but also mentions are made of the current situation and, something very important , to future plans. Some plans for the future that, as we told you at the time, included the more than expected updates of the versions of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for the new generation of consoles, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, at the end of this same 2021.

I already said it at the time, it seemed crazy to me to propose both launches simultaneously and with such a short deadline, and we must take into account all the time that the company’s long-suffering programmers have had to dedicate to solving the plethora of problems with which the game came to market. The news about crunching spread like wildfire last year, and with these deadlines, with Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt scheduled for this Christmas, everything pointed to the same story being repeated.

Thus, just over an hour ago, CD Projekt Red published a tweet in which it modifies the schedule, postponing the update of Cyberpunk 2077 to the first quarter of 2022, while that of The Witcher 3 will have to wait until the second quarter. Only one detail gives me some hope, and it is the final sentence of the image with the text, and that says “Sorry for the long wait, but we want to get it right.”

I totally agree with that philosophy, what’s more, although it may seem the opposite, this change seems like good news to me. What I still can’t help wondering is what the hell they had on their minds when they released their financial report for September when they announced the Cyberpunk 2077 update for this Christmas. I already mentioned it then and I will say it again now: I understand that Christmas is key to sales, but at any price?

We must not go too far to find out what happens when impossible dates are committed. We saw it last year with Cyberpunk 2077, a game that was released when it was not yet finished, and that for years will drag a large slab for precisely that reason. What need was there to reengage an unreal date? The delay is good news, as it is a sign that this time they intend to get it right, but it is a delay on a date that they themselves announced, which shows that selling smoke is still part of their marketing culture, and that is already uglier.

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