If we have the opportunity to choose an operating system for our computer, a very interesting option is one of the many Linux distributions available. Here we find a good number of solutions, some better known than others, and in case you did not know, Amazon has its own.
This that we are commenting on is something that a priori not everyone knows, since Amazon is known worldwide as one of the most important online stores. It is true that in addition it offers us other services in order to meet the needs of its clients. Well, it is also interesting to know that this e-commerce giant has its own Linux distro so that we can download and use it if we want.
Once we know all this, from this moment on we will be able to take advantage of the so-called Amazon Linux distribution with everything that it offers us. It was created for Amazon Web Services or AWS and thus meet the needs of these customers. It is also important to know that this is an operating system that has been with us for several years and that at the moment lay your foundation on Red Hat Enterprise. However, the firm has announced shortly that it will change this approach and will base Amazon Linux on Fedora. This is something that he plans to carry out next year 2022. The code name of this distro is AL2022 and it is where the firm works at the moment.
Be that as it may, this is a distribution that we have the possibility to download and install through the Amazon Web Services control panel.
What the Amazon Linux distribution offers us
Another section to take into consideration is that both the system and its applications are cloud-based, something very useful for both end users and business users. It is worth noting that this is an operating system capable of meeting the needs of most users. Also, something very important that we must know is that Amazon Linux has two years of standard support.
To these we must add another three years of maintenance support. In this way and throughout this first period of two years, we will obtain minor updates on a quarterly basis. Similarly and throughout the three-year maintenance support, we will have critical security updates as they become available. As you can imagine, here we can make use of all those cloud-based applications that are useful to us.
It is for all the comments that this distribution belonging to the giant Amazon can be very helpful to us on a day-to-day basis. In addition, it presents everything necessary for a use of the operating system both at functional and safety level. Therefore, it is not surprising that the regulars at this time of this distro are expectant and waiting for the arrival of the new version that will see the light next year. How could it be otherwise, interesting new features will be implemented here to adapt the software to current times.