
Did you know you have video games on Netflix? So you can play with them

Requirements to play

To access this catalog of titles, we will have to fulfill a series of requirements. They are the following:

  • have a supported device:
    • Smartphone or tablet with Android 8.0 or higher.
    • iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with iOS or iPad OS 15 or higher.
  • A Netflix subscription (individual or family) active.
  • Internet connection to be able to download the game and install it on the device.
  • Space of storage in the internal memory of the device.

How to play Netflix video games

netflix catalog games

in the apps of iOS and Android we can go directly to the games section in the bottom bar of the application interface. There we will see the entire list of games, we will select the one that interests us the most and when we touch the option ‘Install Game’, the Netflix app will send us to the Play Store of Google or to app store from Apple, depending on the device we have. Once installed, you will be able to start the game both from the Netflix application as well as from your application box.

When opening the game for the first time, the interface will ask us to Let’s select one of our Netflix user profiles to identify us. This will serve to keep the partida linking the game to our profile. If you download the game on multiple devices, you will be able to follow the game without problems, since the data is synchronized with the Netflix servers.

What games are available in the catalog?

Some of the most interesting games that we are going to find are related to Netflix series. However, others are normal games that we can enjoy with our subscription and that, basically, is a way of gain some ground on services like Apple Arcade.

Stranger Things 3

stranger things 3 game netflix

This title accompanies the third season of stranger things, and it is a Pretty well crafted RPG designed by BonusXP. It was originally released in mid-2020 and has been discontinued on some of the platforms it was originally released on to be distributed solely on Netflix.

In the game we will have to manage the characters of the series through a world made with isometric perspectivea, fight creatures and take decisions that will affect the plot to some extent.

Asphalt Xtreme

asphalt xtreme netflix

If you miss a asphalt like before, that is, a game arcade racing that doesn’t ask you for money every five minutes, your Netflix subscription will allow you to enjoy this Gameloft title.

It is a Rally game, with actual vehicle licenses and full of levels with different difficulties where we will have to improve our car or buy a more powerful one to avoid all the terrain that is going to put us in front of us. The game is also quite extensive and Netflix has exclusivity. By the way, this game yes it has a kind of loot boxes, but are paid with game money, which is achieved by racing. Some boxes are unlocked every so often. In other words: Gameloft has shown that you can make a gacha that doesn’t ask for money and that it’s fun. Come on, if they haven’t done it before, it’s because they didn’t want to.

Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story

Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story

It’s a game chaotic 2d action full of traps and obstacles that we must destroy to advance. The game design is metroidvania style. The title has been developed by a subsidiary of Riot Games, and can be found on platforms like Steam for 9 euros. Too is expected to come to Nintendo Switch, so in this case, it’s not a Netflix exclusive, but if you want to play, you can save yourself a pinch if you have a subscription to the Netflix service. streaming.

Stranger Things: 1984

Netflix Games

The second title related to the series stranger things is another RPG, but in 2D and with a top view, like the classic Zelda or Pokémon, and with a very pixel art. We will have to collect objects, complete a series of missions and even solve puzzles. the game is very well resolved and can hook you for a few hours, although the controls and interface have some room for improvement to give the title a better user experience.

Arcanium: Rise of Akhan

Arcanium: Rise of Akhan

In this case, you can enjoy a jstrategy game with cards not looking to be a porridge. A Rare avis in these times. This Developed by Rogue Games, and it is a game similar to Dungeons and Dragons, but with a touch of Heartstone.

The best thing about the game is power access decks without having to watch tens of thousands of fake ads or take out a loan to open chests or buy upgrades. In this case, you only have to pay the subscription to the streaming. Thanks Netflix.

Wonderputt Forever

Wonderputt Forever

Is a mini golf very funny, with a very attractive style. However, the grace lies in the stages, that they change in a very crazy way as we solve the levels. It is a great game that can entertain you while you make time in your day to day life, such as in public transport.



cats and candy crush. What can go wrong? Well, absolutely nothing. In this game we will have to solve the life of a poor pussy, combining balls of wool of the same color. We all know the mechanics, and knowing that there are no micropayments, can be an interesting alternative to the candy game.

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