The new edition of DigitalXBorder for 2023 is already here, after the agreement reached between ICEX Spain Exportation and Investment, the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) and Adigital.
This digital immersion program for CEO It is proposed with the objective of improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies, in a digital environment in continuous transformation. It is aimed at CEOs of companies with a turnover of more than four million euros per year and international experience. Through this project, the aim is to strengthen the productive fabric of these businesses through their diversification and organizational and technological modernization, also promoting the knowledge society and human resources.
Similarly, the program digitalXborder provides the necessary tools so that companies can make appropriate decisions in the digital field in a more agile and efficient way, as well as help their growth through the multiplication of business opportunities offered by the digital ecosystem.
The program will be 100% face-to-face. Each program in the respective cities will take place over seven days with a total duration of 56 hours. It has no cost for participating companies and is co-financed by the European Social Fund. It is estimated that between 25 and 30 CEOs will participate in each program and that digitalXborder 2023 will train a total of 250 Spanish business leaders.
The project was born to improve the digitization index of Spanish SMEs in Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), published by the European Commission and where Spain is ranked 7th out of 28 EU countries.
The 2023 edition of digitalXborder It will take place until June in 10 Spanish provinces: Murcia, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Seville, Almería, Ciudad Real, Málaga, Cartagena, Albacete and Jerez de la Frontera.
DigitalXborder In Andalucia
The program arrives in Andalusia to tour several of its provinces from this month of February to next May, with speakers from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, DHL, Adigital or sisteplan. The sessions started on February 16 in Seville and continued on March 2 in Almería. Also in Malaga from April 13 and, in Jerez de la Frontera from May 11.
DigitalXborder It has been running since 2018 and up to last year has traveled 20 cities with the on-site program and eight autonomous communities with the online program. It has had a total of 900 participants from 783 companies, mainly from the industrial (39%) and agri-food (25%) sectors, followed by consumption (16%), services (14%) and technology (5%). More than 30 training companies, 45 professional speakers and more than 80 collaborating regional entities have participated.