
Do I need to register my games on CRYENGINE before I publish them?

The development of all kinds of software is gradually reaching many users who want to create their own projects. Here we can refer to programs belonging to multiple sectors, although many prefer to opt for games. For this we can use a multitude of platforms, as is the case with CRYENGINE.

We cannot ignore that the development of our own video games has a special appeal, especially for lovers of this type of software. It is also admittedly not an easy thing, but the current platforms available have made things much easier compared to a few years ago. Now we can use specific applications for this, such as RPG Maker or the popular Unity that makes things much easier for us. But in this case we want to focus on another proposal of these characteristics that is also highly successful, we are talking about CRYENGINE.

The first thing we should know is that this proposal for the development of our own video games was initially created as a demo engine for software products. NVIDIA. Later the platform evolved based on new functions that were released with its updates, and expanded its market. At this time we could say that we are facing one of the most interesting development engines to create this content. In addition, it tries to make things much easier for new users in these matters. To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about, to say that CRYENGINE was the development engine that was used in Far Cryamong other successful titles.


But if we launch into this type of work, in addition to creating our own video games as such, there are other considerations that we must accept.

So you can register your game creations in CRYENGINE

At this point say that many users can get to ask about the possibility of publish your new creations directly. First of all, we must bear in mind that the aforementioned development platform offers us all kinds of functionsfacilities, content and tutorials that will help us. That is why we must somehow reflect that we have used CRYENGINE as a development engine for our projects.

With this, what we want to tell you is that before making our new leisure creations public, we must register the product on the official website of the development engine. Moreover, as the creators of this platform tell us, we must be a bit farsighted. We tell you this because we will have to register the new game that we have created at least a month before its staging.

register CRYENGINE

It is worth mentioning that this is a process that we can easily carry out directly from the official CRYENGINE website. In this way the platform itself will have time to accept the project we have created and have enough time for the process before its official publication. To say that all this is something that we must carry out with each of the video games that we develop in the aforementioned CRYENGINE engine. In addition, we must add that initially we have not paid anything for its use, so carrying out this product registration will be a way of thanking what the platform offers us.

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