best selling gameboy games
Now, despite the success that we all know it had, do we know exactly which were the games that sold the most in its many years of life? You have to remember that after the first Game Boy came new versions and even hardware like the Game Boy Advance, which maintained some compatibility with a large part of its original catalog. So many of those titles had a very long life.
Thus, we have decided to look for the figures of The five best-selling cartridges in Game Boy history and that, as you can see, they all belong to Nintendo, the company that has always benefited the most from the success of its own machines. So here we go, here are the five most successful cartridges ordered from least to most units sold.
5. Pokémon Yellow Special Edition Pikachu
It seems incredible that he is Pokemon better known but it did not serve to become the best-selling cartridge in the history of the franchise for Game Boy. We must remember that it was within the laptop where the success of this saga that has been with us for 27 years was forged… at least in Spain. This game sold a total of 14,6400,000 units.
4.Super Mario Land
What to say about the first great Mario for Game Boy, created by Nintendo in the image and likeness of the Super Mario Bros from NES and predecessor of Super Mario World of SNES, which filled us with hours and hours of fun like we had never seen before. This marvel that today is already a classic managed to sell 18,140,000 cartridges. Few seem to us.
3. Pokémon Gold and Silver
Further Pokemon to put in our mouths with two other games that sold like cakes and that there will be few Game Boy users who have not tried them at some time. Its success was withering and the sales figures responded as few at Nintendo expected. Or if? The point is that managed to sell 23,100,000 units.
2. Tetris
Yeah Super Mario Land It’s a classic, what can we say about Tetris which was the game that came as a gift in many of the first packages from gameboy? The fact is that despite this promotion, over the years the Nintendo title kept adding and adding until it became the second most successful in the history of the machine, with 30,260,000 units sold.
1. Pokémon Red and Blue (and Green)
And finally, in the first place, are the first two Pokemon of history, which arrived in 1996 for the Nintendo laptop and marked a before and after for the company’s history. From these two games (later it would arrive pokemon green) many things changed in the industry. In total, these cartridges added a total of 31,380,000 units sold.