
Do you lack RAM memory? The culprit is undoubtedly Windows 11

If there is something that we have observed from many laptops with RAM soldered to the board, since they use LPDDR memory, it is the little amount of memory that they have when there were already higher capacity configurations. The objective? A planned obsolescence in low-cost laptops to speed up consumption, but that is counterproductive for the end user.

You’re going to need more RAM thanks to Windows 11

It’s no secret that software is less and less optimized, especially when it comes to RAM usage. However, memory configurations have been stuck for a long time at the same numbers, but with much faster memories. Although memory is usually built with less advanced manufacturing nodes than processors, the reality is that having smaller transistors means having more capacity.

Expand PC RAM memory

What happens if the current environment has been stagnant for some time? Well, it is necessary to increase the use of memory in terms of quantity and the greatest candidate for this is the operating system. It has happened several times in the history of computing. For example, in the mid-1990s, most PCs had either 4 or 8 MB of RAM, Windows 95 came out, and sales of the 16 and 32 MB modules skyrocketed.

Well, almost 30 years later, at the same time that we see 24 and 48 GB modules appear, it seems that history repeats itself with Windows 11. And it is that Microsoft would have inflated what the operating system consumes in terms of RAM refers, in a maneuver to encourage not only the update of the memory, but also the purchase of new equipment.

Tiny11, the shortened version of Win11 that uses less than a gig

If we talk about NTDev, it will surely not sound familiar to many, however, they have managed to create a Windows 11 Build, which is based on removing certain superfluous elements from the system and leaving only what is strictly necessary for the applications to work. They have named this one Tiny11 and it is so light that it works on a PC with only 384 MB of RAM, and no, we have not made a mistake when it comes to transcribing.

Tiny11 Windows 11 trimmed

The problem is that such a small amount of memory leaves little space for applications, which today are designed to work in environments of several gigabytes and not less than one. However, this shows how bloated the Microsoft operating system is in terms of requirements and how it has always been used to encourage the purchase of RAM modules and new computers. The motivation for it on the part of Redmond? That the market does not stop and that consumption is continuous, after all you are going to need a new Windows license.

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