
Do you need files from other users? This is how you order them from Dropbox

These remote storage services offer us a certain space on their servers, either for free or paying. In this way we can save several gigabytes of files on those remote drives and save on our local drives. Depending on the company we opt for, we will have more or less gigabytes. Generally, the technology companies that give us the opportunity to use their storage platforms, in principle, offer a certain amount of free space.

In the event that later we need to increase this, we can contract any of the subscriptions that they present to us. But this is usually common at the business level, since many of the end users see their needs covered with the free mode. A clear example of all this can be found in the aforementioned Dropbox. In addition, to all this, we must add that, due to the success of these platforms, those responsible offer a series of additional functions that will be very helpful.

In these lines we are going to focus on a useful feature of Dropbox that you can take advantage of a lot. We refer to the possibility of request certain files from other users from the platform client itself. This will allow us to receive the information we need and store it directly in our remote personal space. To benefit from this function we only have to have a Dropbox account and access it, for example, through the web version of the service.

Request files from other users through Dropbox

Well, in case we have to request a series of files other users to reach us directly to this cloud storage service, it’s very easy. Once we have entered the corresponding access credentials, for example in the web version of the service, we find all our personal folders. At that point we should take a look at the left panel of the main client interface.

In it we find an option called File requests, which is the one that interests us in this case and in which we click. The first thing that we must take into consideration once we have reached this point is that we can request files from other users whether they have a Dropbox account or not.

Dropbox request reason

Therefore, next, we only have to click on the button New request located in the upper right corner. At that moment on the screen we will see a new window in which we can detail the reason for this file request. At the same time here we have the possibility to assign a name to the new folder where received files will be saved. This is automatically created in our Dropbox space. Once we have filled in these informative fields, click on the Create button.

This will give us the opportunity to enter user emails to whom we want to request those files. In addition, those who receive this request will have a direct link to our storage space to send us that information. We would only have to wait to receive those files.

request files

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