Generally, the vast majority of operating systems offer us a good number of customizable functions with which to adapt them to what we need. In fact, we can say that at the moment the different Linux distributions offer us a good number of functions to customize the system. All of this refers to the external aspect as the functional of Linux.
With everything and with it there are certain sections to which we do not give enough importance until they stop working correctly. They are basic elements that are part of any operating system and that we take for granted that they will always be there offering their services. But unfortunately this is not always the case. There are certain occasions when functions or modes of basic behavior, failwhich directly affects the rest of the software.
That is precisely what we want to talk about next in any Linux distribution if, for some reason, it starts to fail something as elementary as the date and time. At first it may seem inconsequential, but the truth is that a wrong date and time in an operating system is not recommended at all. This is something that can indirectly affect many sections of it, as well as the behavior of the applications that we have installed.
But this is something that we can avoid once and for all and that will not happen again, as we will see below.
Make Linux date and time not fail again
The first thing to keep in mind is that this is a basic parameter in the open source operating system, which we can configure manually. At the same time there are certain uses or programs that can vary this element at will, which is not recommended. In case we want change the system date and time by handLet’s see how to do it.
It is enough that we click with the right mouse button on the Linux desktop and select the Configuration section, for example. This will give us access to a complete window in which we can access a multitude of software settings. Here we look for the section called precisely Date and time, in which we click.
This will allow us to establish our time zone at that moment, as well as telling the operating system the exact date and time manually. But as we indicated before, sometimes this is modified without us realizing it for some reason. Also, if we travel a lot we would have to be constantly changing this parameter. Therefore, we recommend that you make a change in the Linux configuration so that you don’t worry about this section forever.
At the top of the window that we mentioned before corresponding to its Configuration, we find a parameter called Automatic date and time. Well, in the case that concerns us we will only have to mark it so that the open source software itself is in charge of keeping this data always correctly updated.