
Don’t let your music library use up the entire disk on your PC

As the months and years of using our computer go by, we accumulate more files of all kinds. In addition to the programs and the operating system itself, these own files can be counted in the thousands. A clear example of all this we find our digital music library.

It is more than likely that the most music lovers are fully aware that the music stored on your computer takes up an enormous amount of space. At the same time, it must be taken into consideration that disk drive space is not unlimited. In fact, it could be said that it is becoming more and more valuable. The main reason for this is that common applications take up more and more as they are more complete. In the same way, the number of our own files with which we work and the weight of these is gradually increasing.

With everything and with this, on many occasions we find that we have stored thousands of files corresponding to audio files. Be it digital music that we have saved, audio files with which we work on multimedia projects, etc .; These hoard a fair amount of disk drive space. But of course, it may be the case that we need part of that space that we are commenting on for other tasks.

And it is that we must bear in mind that we are not always going to need immediately all that enormous amount of files that are part of the music library. This means that in many cases they will be wasting that precious album unnecessarily, something that we can alleviate.

Reduce the space occupied by your music library

If necessary, instead of adding another disk drive or uninstalling important programs, we can try to reduce the space occupied by this library. There are several measures we can take to do this. First of all, we should carry out a organization of all this music. It is more than likely that after that we will find that we have part of this duplicate, so we can eliminate what is repeated.

Although it can become a somewhat cumbersome task, we can also use an application that helps us reduce the size of these files. For example, we can use some generic compressor to store the music now we want to have immediate access. In the same way, we have specific applications such as MP3Smaller at our fingertips that allow us to reduce the size of each of these library files.


All this will allow us to save a good amount of space on our PC disk drives, something that we will possibly appreciate over time. Another measure that we can carry out in this regard is to use external units. This means that you can save a large part of our music library on an external hard drive or pen drive. In this way we will have the possibility of accessing that music whenever we want, but without wasting space on the main disk drives of the computer.

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