After rising as one of the most criticized AAA releases in recent years, it seems that Electronic Arts is finally beginning to listen to its fans, with the announcement of a change in the internal hierarchy for the direction of Battlefield 2042, now headed by Vince Zampella, CEO of Titanfall and creator of Apex Legend.
This is how they have shared it from GameSpot after having managed to contact the video game company, which would have advanced a change that would not only involve trying to change the current state of its latest game, but also comes together with a great ambition for it. future.
And it is that together with the new supervision of Zampella, EA plans to build an interconnected Battlefield universe with which it is intended «inject more stories into the Battlefield universe«. To do this, Zampella will be joined by a new Seattle-based team, led by Halo veteran Marcus Lehto; and Ripple Effect, in charge of the customizable Portal mode of Battlefield 2042, who will be in charge of a «new Battlefield experience in the Battlefield 2042 universe«.
On the other hand, Zampella’s own choice could indicate that EA might want to include some of the items from Apex Legends, a more frenetic character shooter focused exclusively on the Battle Royale genre. While Zampella did not confirm to GameSpot that Battlefield will be a free game, he said EA is “exploring all the possibilities«. And since Apex Legends and Battlefield are coming to smartphonesPerhaps EA is considering similar strategies to expand each series, with a cross-play experience.
In counterpart to this reorganization, the until now general manager of Dice, Oskar Gabrielson, will leave the company for «pursue a new endeavor outside of EA«He assured GameSpot. «I will be here to support the transition for the next several months before embarking on my new adventure«, He also added through your Twitter account.
What is not clear is if all these changes will arrive in time, since after the great anticipation and its eventful launch, the number of Battlefield 2042 players on Steam has already fallen by up to 70% since its launch on November 19. Can EA save this saga?