The Association of Cold Storage Companies and their Technologies (AEFYT) have communicated the growth of the sector, indicating that they are “a booming sector”, favored by the health crisis and its contribution to the economy. In fact, refrigeration and air conditioning in Spain are essential for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical and real estate industriesamong other.
Along these lines, the consulting firm Grand View Research points out that cold storage will rise 14.8% annually until 2028, and calculates that for that same year 628,300 million dollars will be reached; favoring the rise of employability in this sector.
The recent AFEC report presents that in 2021 the air conditioning market had a turnover of 1,268 million euros and grew by 12.05% compared to the previous year. Within these, those employed in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplies gather 102.3 thousand people. And it is that the Labor Market Report, published by the State Public Employment Service, places unemployment in economic activities related to the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, at 0.05%.
It should be noted that this growth already comes from before the pandemic. AEFYT sources assure that the industry of the refrigeration it represents an added value of 40% of the Spanish GDP and employs 22,000 people. CEAC, Training Center for Employment, points out that in Spain there are more than 5,000 refrigeration installation companies, and about 200 manufacturing, marketing and consulting companies.
The challenge of air conditioning goes through professional training and sustainability
The opportunities offered by the sector are constantly growing. Fidel Espiñeira, Country Manager of the Haier Air conditioning and comfort company and prescriber of the CEAC course, reveals that the latest trends in the air conditioning market are dedicated to comfort of the installer and the end user. In addition, the design of the machines has been refined to ensure quick installation and easy maintenance.
On the other hand, Espiñeira highlights that “The functionalities of the air have focused on guaranteeing healthy air, due to the growing concern about viruses and bacteria present in the air and the pollution of cities and large urban centers.”
An element in favor of this sector, the recently signed Agreement of the Industrial Cold Industries Sector. In said agreement, the parties improve the working conditions of 14,000 employees in the sector, among which a salary increase of up to 2.25% stands out. This pact further favors employment related to cold and air conditioning. The positions require a good physical condition, where young people stand out for their high performance. To this physicist it is necessary to add the training on refrigeration installations and air conditioning, which lacks applicants. CEAC informs that installation and maintenance vocational training qualifications only have a labor demand of 6.29%.
In this sense, Espiñeira explains that they face this growth in the sector with enthusiasm and adds “We know that the best way to prosper is the right combination of training and involvement, or, to put it another way, aptitude plus attitude. We are in a market that requires us to be aware of new developments, so we must always strive to evolve alongside it. In addition, at the company level we must be aware that the sector is growing and we have focused on retaining talent”.
To fill these positions, the training for the professional opportunities of installer, maintainer or electrician they go through specialized courses in these fields. The Labor Market Report shows how workers with vocational training certificates (FP) are highly valued in the business sector and provide greater job placement. In addition, Infoempleo Adecco states that 41.3% of the job offers launched are directed towards this group with FP; and point out that they will be the most demanded qualifications in the coming years.