
Elon Musk will revamp Twitter’s verification system, but at a high price

Twitter’s verification program has always been a complicated and controversial issue. The company has paused and resumed the process several times to simplify it. Now, the new owner Elon Musk wants to make the task easier, but at a cost unaffordable for most: a subscription of 20 dollars per month.

Elon Musk is a billionaire, but he is not going to miss the opportunity to be even more so and to recover the enormous investment from the purchase of Twitter. To do this, he wants to increase the price of the subscription that provides users with additional features, Twitter Blue, from the current $4.99 to $20 a month. In exchange, the user who hires him will have a verified badge.

Layoffs can accumulate. If Musk’s first decision was to fire the company’s top executives with whom he had waged a legal and media battle in recent months, Musk has set a deadline for those responsible for Twitter Blue to launch the new subscription. If they don’t comply they will be fired.they say from The Verge,

What is more shocking is that the social network plan to remove verification badges from current cardholders if they don’t pay the new Twitter Blue price within 90 days of launch. Since Twitter’s verification system is present worldwide, it will be difficult to enforce this rule unless the subscription program is available globally.

“Musk made it clear in the months leading up to the acquisition that he wanted to revamp the way Twitter verifies accounts and handles bots. He is also interested in increasing subscriptions so that they become half of the company’s overall revenue »they clarify.

Twitter verification

Elon Musk laid out his main goals to Twitter investors in May, which ranged from increasing subscriber revenue to achieving 69 million Twitter Blue users by 2025. These changes in the paid plan would be the first step to reach the goal, but many millions seem…

The central point of Twitter’s verification program is to identify genuine profiles of political leaders, celebrities, researchers or journalists so that users do not fall into the trap of information published by fake accounts. It’s interesting, but only a tiny number of current Twitter users will be able to afford it.

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