essential to make the Income 2022

An annual appointment is approaching that the vast majority of workers have marked on the calendar, we are referring to the time of the declaration of the Rent. Many can already do it comfortably from home thanks to the Internet and current technologies, although there are some requirements.

More specifically, in the coming weeks the period will begin for us to carry out our declaration of the Rent 2022. This is something we can do ourselves or leave everything in the hands of professionals. Whatever our decision, we are going to need a series of essential documentation to be able to carry out this declaration of assets and income that we are discussing.

In the event that we have decided to carry out the process ourselves, the Tax Agency itself will enable a web page that will be very helpful for all of this. But of course, in addition to the personal documentation that the Tax agency is going to ask us, first of all, we will have to identify ourselves digitally. This allows us to carry out different procedures online comfortably from home without having to travel, as in the past.

You can already imagine that when making the 2022 Income, identification is a somewhat delicate process and must be secure. In addition to being able to make this income statement for the Treasury, in many other procedures they will request Cl@ve in order to identify ourselves digitally in a secure way. Perhaps many of you do not know what exactly this method is or how to achieve it, something that we will talk about below.

Get your Cl@ve to identify online and make the Income 2022

First of all, what we should know is that when talking about Cl@ve, we are actually dealing with a method that is used to facilitate electronic access for citizens to public services. All this with the healthy aim that we have the opportunity to identify ourselves in levels of the public administration by means of an agreed password. One of the main advantages of all this is that we won’t have to remember and use different passwords for services of this type. This is something that, for example, can be extended to the aforementioned income statement from the Tax Agency.

Thus, we could say that Cl@ve is an alternative identification system to digital certificates or electronic DNI. Basically it provides us with a secure method of identification, authentication and electronic signature for Public administrations. In addition, we can have this method through a permanent password or a temporary code.

In order to benefit from the advantages of this identification method, we first need to obtain the electronic identification card. You can do this by registering online or in person at one of the affiliated registry offices. If we request our Cl@ve electronic credential Through the Internet, we have several ways to carry it out on the web that we have mentioned before.

Once we have obtained our own identification method, we can use it in a multitude of administrative procedures in our country, such as when doing the 2022 Income online.

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