Expectations about 5G are waiting: the implementation will still take time

Two years ago they started talking about 5G. A fifth generation of mobile telephony that would come to revolutionize everything also in the business world, offering improvements in speed and greater benefits. However, during all this time there are still many unanswered questions we have about this state-of-the-art network. How long will it take to implement? Is 5G in a phase still immature to come to light?

It is true that some operators have already commercialized with 5G. We are talking about Telefónica, Vodafone or Orange, among others. However, the advantages have hardly been highlighted and what need to reach is the true 5G. A 5G that really speeds up and reduces latency, that is, the response time that exists, for example, when doing an Internet search.

The United States 5G network, slow?

Although this increase in speed and reduction in latency was expected from 5G, it seems that if we turn our eyes to the US, the positive expectations fade. According to articles published in American digital media, it seems that this has to do with the use of broadband frequency operatorswhich results in the speed of 5G being quite comparable to that of 4G.

This greatly lowers the expectations placed on 5G and leaves many wondering when it will actually deliver the increased speed and low latency that was promised. Some speak of 2023, others point out that it will still be too early for an improvement in speed to be noticed. Companies are still waiting…

The Government and the millionaire investment in 5G

In the year 2021, the Government committed to inject 150 million euros to accelerate the deployment of 5G within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan currently active. But, despite this, there are several open fronts that are delaying the long-awaited implementation of 5G.

The reasons are that 5G is still being studied, developing the relevant hardware And you also have to pay attention to costs. Infrastructures with public and private 5G networks that offer better coverage are needed. Well, today, it is still a pending issue that does not seem to be resolved in the short term. Therefore, you will have to be patient and keep waiting.

The real 5G (5G SA) will still have to wait

Despite this 5G NSA deployment, in reality, the real goal is to get to that real 5G called 5G SA. However, we will still have to wait, since the chip crisis, in force since 2021. A delay that has caused a slowdown in the development of real 5G hardware and that is why its implementation will take time.

The use of the Internet through mobile phones or other electronic devices has skyrocketed and speed needs increase. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in a report that came to light last year, Internet use exceeded 90%. Therefore, it is not surprising that 5G is something highly desired, although it is clear that it will test our patience.

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