
Get the most out of Telegram with these 10 bots

With almost 10 years in the market, Telegram was born as a alternative to the almighty WhatsApp, an application that has always been characterized by being very poor in terms of functions. In addition, he thinks about it a lot when it comes to introducing new features. Quite the opposite, it happens with Telegram, a messaging application that came to the market with many of the functions that users expected to get from WhatsApp at some point and that, today, we are still waiting for.

But, in addition, Telegram incorporates a very interesting function that allows us to expand the number of functions that it makes available to us through bots. Bots are small programs that respond to a series of specific commands to display related information. Telegram’s support for bots has been around for many years, and over the years interesting ways to extend Telegram’s features have been arriving, so today, if we use this platform to send messages, do calls or video calls, we can add new better ones.

  • Wikipedia. The Wikipedia Search bot allows us to search for any term on Wikipedia without using the browser.
  • translate texts. If we need to have a conversation in English with other people and we don’t want to resort to our device’s native translator, we can use Yandex Translate. a bot where we just have to paste the text we want to translate to get the translation.
  • play trivia. Another interesting option to enjoy the classic Trivial board game from our computer or mobile devices is through the Trivia Bot for Telegram.
  • Stickers of all kinds. Thanks to the StickerBot bot we have at our disposal a large number of stickers to personalize our conversations through Telegram. We just have to write “@sticker” without the quotes accompanied by the sticker that we want to share so that all the available suggestions are shown.

Stickers Telegram

  • Information about movies and series. The IMDB platform is also available through a bot for Telegram, a bot with which we can quickly and easily share information about any movie or series through this platform without using a web browser.
  • Learn English. Through the Andy English Bot we can improve our knowledge of English by talking with this bot. This bot has been around for many years and is ideal for improving our knowledge of the Shakespearean language, but don’t expect to have philosophical conversations with it.
  • Song lyrics. Thanks to the Lyric bot, we can quickly find the lyrics of any song we are looking for without having to resort to YouTube. We can enter the name of the song, the artist or even write part of the text of the song.
  • Convert voice messages to text. The Voicy UA bot allows us to convert audio and video messages into text format to access content much faster than waiting for them to be played.
  • Maps of anywhere. With the Map Bot button we can obtain images of any location that we indicate from the Open Street Map, Mapbox, Digital Globe and Location IQ platforms.
  • search images. We can search for images of any theme through Telegram using the Yandex Image Search bot.

Telegram Images

how to use them

To start using each of the different bots that we have shown you, we just have to click on the corresponding link so that Telegram automatically opens and start using it. We can use most through any conversation using the corresponding name preceded by the at sign @. Others only work through their channel.

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