One of the most anticipated innovations in the Android ecosystem, Privacy Sandbox, finally it is a little closer to the users of the operating system for mobile devices of the search engine company. With this movement, Android will finally adopt a set of measures that, in terms of the privacy of its users, can be compared to Apple’s iOS, in something that those of Cupertino have been doing for quite some time, and with good reason, sticking out their chests.
privacy sandbox per se It is not a novelty, already in July 2021 Google illustrated us about its (then) present and future, and, as regards Android, a year ago we told you that the technology company had already decided to start its leap to Android, although it is true that without indicating dates or specific phases of this operationTherefore, from then until now we have been waiting for some more specific announcement on progress in this regard.
Remember that Privacy Sandbox brings together a set of technological proposals that aims to rethink web advertising disregarding third-party cookies and, therefore, ensuring the privacy of users because, as you already know, these are usually used regularly in order to track in depth the user’s activities on the Internet and, analyzed in their Together, the truth is that they can provide a formidable volume of information about it. And let’s also remember, of course, that its version for Android has a common base with that of the web, but due to the different operation of these elements on both platforms, there are also differences between what they offer and how they work.
The good news is that, as we can read on The Verge, finally Google has published the first beta version of Privacy Sandbox for Android. At the moment, yes, the beta is limited to a small number of devices with Android 13, but Google affirms that it will expand «over time«. Of course, the question at this point is whether it refers to more (in theory it should be all) of the devices with Android 13 or yes, in favor of the privacy of users of older versions, it will also reach Android 12 and some of his predecessors.
This is undoubtedly a response to one of Apple’s most successful movements when it comes to privacy, with the release of the tracking transparency feature in iOS 14.5, which debuted at the end of April 2021 and was a real buzz (especially with regards to Facebook-Meta) at the time. Now, finally, it seems that Android users will be able to enjoy similar protection and, although it could have happened sooner, I think it is excellent news to celebrate.