
How a manager can optimize time during his business trip

A business trip is still a strategic plan that should -and usually- be scheduled in detail. This is so because time is one of the most precious goods and, in fact, because the success of corporate meetings is marked by the performance extracted from the minutes that the meeting lasts.

The key to business travel is productivity. But it is not just a matter of time, but of priorities. Being able to prioritize and do the right tasks to achieve goals is at the heart of business travel. Taking this maxim into account when planning the trip, it is important to know how to take advantage of any space and time that we have within our reach and take advantage of, for example, travel.

In order to help optimize your time and obtain maximum productivity during your stays, Luca Carlucci, CEO of BizAwaycorporate travel agency, shares his best tips and common practices, which he applies himself during his business trips:

  • Stay away from an inflexible schedule. On many occasions, and especially in the cases of business executives, the agenda is calculated almost in nanoseconds, resulting in a very inaccessible program that does not give rise to possible spontaneous meetings. Although it is important to set the strategic objectives of the trip, it is necessary to keep spaces available in the planning for any unforeseen event or opportunity that may arise during the stay. We should not take anything for granted, especially when traveling on business. Rejecting meetings of interest can cause an undesirable bad image for anyone.
  • Time, take advantage of it wherever you are. Whether in the airport terminal, in a restaurant or in a hotel room, any setting is good for getting things done. As long as we have a connection to a quality network, any time can be used to work. Probably on these occasions of waiting or transfers, the logistics infrastructure will not be adequate for a long working day, but we can take advantage of it to organize the work, as well as prepare lists of pending tasks. These small tasks allow us to establish a mental order and also optimize time when starting work.
  • Anticipate possible adverse casuistry of the trip. It has a plan that anticipates probable unfavorable scenarios during the trip. Planning what to do in terms of work when a plane is delayed, a client cancels a meeting or even when an accident occurs outside of our control will guarantee to optimize that specific time. In order to do so, it is important to have the necessary material, such as a computer, headphones and even a portable Wi-Fi connection or the data network, with the highest possible quality. It can also help us plan feasible tasks in case these conditions are not met.
  • Minimalist luggage and accessories. According to a study carried out in 2016 by the British multinational Marks & Spencer, a company dedicated to retail, of the 2,000 people they interviewed, a tenth of men and women stated that they used to be late for work because they had wasted time deciding how to dress. In addition, one in 20 stated that they had canceled the appointment because they did not know what to wear. So optimizing any business trip starts with speeding up dressing time. We must be practical and carry with us a capsule wardrobe that has the basic clothes, with a neutral color range that allows us to combine pieces between them. In this way we will have several clothing options without this issue becoming a headache. At the same time, structuring the different sets days before the trip will reduce the time during the morning.

Beyond these tips, planning the logistics part of a trip It will also help us to take advantage of the time during the stay. Some details such as air conditioning the hotel room with the right temperature, choosing a place that has the appropriate furniture, or flying with time in our favor, that is, taking into account jetlag and its effects, can help the corporate trip becomes an opportunity to grow professionally and not an obstacle.

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