When doing campaigns or positioning strategies in search engines, there are keywords that are not available to everyone due to the high volume of competition that exists in Google. And for this reason, and with greater reason, when you are starting an SEO project it is essential make a selection as exhaustive as possible of those keywords most appropriate, in order to generate better results in the shortest possible time.
This is the main warning from the experts at SEOCOM, a digital marketing agency, who also indicate that if you are dealing with a project that already has a long history and is capable of positioning itself for highly competitive keywords, it is interesting to know that it is easier to position keywords with little competition and in a much faster and more efficient way.
Knowing how to find these low-competition words, known as long-tail keywords, that will have lower search volumes, but less competition, is a task for which the following key points must be taken into account.
How to find “low competition” keywords
There are many seo tools who help with this work. One of them is Sistrix, which has an extensive database that allows you to obtain large lists of keywords to work on. There are also others like Semrush, Ahrefs or even Google’s own planner. In the case of Sistrix, the most interesting of all of them, these keywords can be analyzed in various ways, from the Keyword Discovery section or by entering the domain that you want to analyze to see its list of keywords. The data it offers allows you to see the volumes of the keywords.
To find the ones that are of low difficulty, you can filter and group them. Other interesting tools to find these keywords are LongTailPro and Keyword Shitter, the latter being totally free.
Generic words as a last option
In SEOCOM they insist that with only one type of product there are so many keywords, that some are really difficult to position among the first 10 results of Google, since they exist very high authority domains and that they have been behind an SEO strategy for years to get traffic for generic and high-volume keywords.
Our recommendation, adds Iván Ruiz, CEO of SEOCOM, is that “Always start with those keywords that can give results as soon as possible, and over time, as you get organic traffic and a certain brand popularity, you can already compete with the “big ones” in the SERPs, although for this a previous route is needed, which is not exactly short”.
The volume of keywords is so great, that there will always be keywords where to position yourself more easily and that, although their search volumes are low, they will give better results and with a shorter period of time. It is also important to take into account the search intention of these words, to know the type of content that users are looking for.