In most cases, a dissatisfied professional in his workplace You will choose to look for a new job rather than meet and discuss the situation with your manager or the company’s human resources department. When a professional is looking for a new job, he usually does not notify his supervisor until he has obtained a new position. For most, having this conversation is quite complicated and even intimidating.
Francis Bald, Senior Manager at Walters People, has conducted thousands of candidate interviews throughout his career. From this experience, he analyzes the main reasons why a professional seeks to change companies, and recommends how to address the issue of dissatisfaction directly with his boss or manager.
Not being happy at work is still a taboo subject
“As long as there are professionals who do not share their situation of dissatisfaction with the company until they already have an offer from another company on the table, the rest will continue to worry about what they will say and will not look for a constructive feedback from your boss”Francisco Calvo thinks.
Professionals are not the only ones who feel that talking about job discontent is something taboo, but many managers within organizations find it difficult to start conversation with a dissatisfied worker. This is even more pressing if in the past they have experienced some kind of conflict due to the lack of communication between both parties.
“A manager usually senses when someone on their team is not happy with their responsibilities, colleagues or corporate culture, since they tend to be more distracted on a day-to-day basis and their productivity plummets”Francis comments.
What is the best way to tell that you are not happy at work
For starters, it’s important to be open and honest about why you’re not as excited about work as you used to be. Two of the most common reasons are the lack of growth prospects within the company and receive a salary below the salary band of the position and sector. Other reasons are usually the feeling of being undervalued, the lack of challenges or not being identified with the cultural values of the organization.
“When talking to your boss, my advice is not to focus on him or her, but use rational arguments as to why you no longer feel as comfortable in the company as before”advises Francisco Calvo.
In order to be clear and concise in the argumentation, it is previously necessary review what you want to change and how it should be done. Always maintaining professionalism and calm.
Francis adds: “If you think you deserve a higher salary than what you currently receive, you can use tools to compare the salary band for your position or sector, and thus negotiate with relevant data. Are you worried about the lack of growth opportunities? So, talk to your manager and offer him new goals and steps so that your career plan gives you back the illusion of going to work every day”.
What to do when there is no solution
If after meeting with the person responsible for the team and having shared the concerns and objectives to be met, The situation within the company is not improved, it is time to join the job search market.
Once the professional has a job offer in another organizationit is recommended to request an exit interview to the manager, or to the person in charge of human resources in its absence.
“Exit interviews are a strategy that gives both parties the opportunity to find out where the company is lacking in terms of human capital. An exit process is important because professionals who are no longer part of the company are more open to sharing what are the points for improvement and what are the reasons that led them to leave the company”concludes Francisco Calvo.