
Humble Bundle detaches itself from Linux and Mac with its monthly subscription

Humble Bundle, the well-known gaming platform, turns its monthly promotion around to make it more attractive, although it does so by destroying the support for Linux and Mac that it had up to now.

A pity, because there was a time when Humble Bundle was synonymous with Linux games. Games indie, to be more exact, hence the original name of this “traveling promotion”, Humble IndieBundle. All this happened during and after, but especially before Valve took an interest in the penguin platform and released the Steam client for Ubuntu.

Back then an edition of Humble Indie Bundle meant a few new games for linux, because through this initiative games for Linux were released, which is not the same as making a package on offer. Its curious “pay what you want” model was also innovative at the time, as was the philanthropic approach of donating part of the income to different NGOs and projects.

Over time, as usually happens, the project evolved and the “pay what you want” was divided into sections, so that the more you paid, the more games you got; but the solidarity impetus is preserved, not without the community having fought for it. Over time, too, that “traveling promotion” -but itinerant over time!- was expanded and the Humble Store was born, a typical game store; and later came Humble Choice, a kind of subscription with its intricacies.

Broadly speaking, the Humble Choice It consists of paying an amount in advance, let’s say 12 or 15 euros, to receive in return a package of ‘surprise’ games whose value was always going to be much higher than the amount contributed. To give you an idea, this month’s Humble Choice costs 12 euros and includes Mafia: Definitive Edition, Iron Harvest, Project Winter, rebel cops, Rustler, The Henry Stickmin Collection, Farmer’s Dynasty, Between the Stars, retro wave Y Midnight Protocol.

Of course, over time Humble Choice also evolved, or got more complicated, depending on how you understand it. That is, at least, how those responsible understand it, who from now on will sweeten it, adding an exclusive collection of games only for subscribers; and they will simplify it, rounding the price to 10 euros per month. The downside is that Linux and Mac users are left out of the game, and never better said.

Obviously not all the games that were included in the Humble Choice were available for Linux or Mac, but many used to be. However, although the Humble Choice will vary little in this regard and the games purchased through this promotion will be owned by the buyer for life, everything will now be done using a specific application that is only available for Windows.

Not only that: the Humble Games Collection, a collection with 70 games available to Humble Choice subscribers as long as they keep the subscription active, remains out of reach for Linux users and maqueros, who have until the end of the month to download what they want… or they will lose the opportunity to do so, as the company is informing its users through emails.

More information about these changes on the Humble Bundle blog and the official wiki.

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