Each of these proposals that we are discussing, in addition to all the other existing ones, offer us a huge amount of movies, series and documentaries. However, surely many of you have thought that sometimes you are wasting money. Basically what we want to tell you is that in certain circumstances we are paying for a subscription, for example, to Netflix, which we barely take advantage of.
That means that we are adding an additional monthly expense to our budget that perhaps we could save. In these same lines we are going to focus on the streaming video platform of the big N that we have mentioned. Specifically, we are referring to the possibility of saving a few euros if we do not have much free time but we still want to enjoy some Netflix series. This is something quite common in many situations, especially with the busy life we lead at the moment.
For this reason we are going to talk about 3 methods accessible to anyone to spend less money on Netflix in the event that we only want to see specific content.
Subscribe to the plan with ads
Just a few weeks ago, this streaming video platform launched a cheaper plan in which we found advertising in reproduction. This means that for a price of 5.49 euros we can enjoy a good part of the content of the platform, but at a lower price than usual. So we can continue using Netflix and accessing its videos, but paying a little less, even if we have to see ads.
Pay only the necessary months
Apart from what has been said, most of the current video platforms offer us the possibility of paying a monthly or annual subscription. Generally, in the second modality a certain discount is offered in order to save a few euros. But in the case at hand this will not interest us at all, quite the contrary. If we don’t have much free time and just want to see certain content of Netflix, the best we can do is hire a month when we think we are really going to take advantage of it.
As you can imagine, this allows us to stop paying when we are more overwhelmed by work or we do not have any movies or series that we are interested in watching.
Ask a friend for the password
In the same way we can always take advantage of friends or family. For example, if we are only going to use the streaming service for a certain time a day, or to watch a movie, we can borrow the password. In this way, we will be able to access the platform promptly without having to pay a single euro, although it is not recommended that we take advantage of other people’s accounts too much. Therefore, this is a temporary solution to save a few euros.