
If you have this problem in Windows 11, ending it is that easy

Although it has improved a lot since its launch, in the summer of last year, Windows 11 continues to drag many problems. Little by little, Microsoft is addressing them in order to make your system work as well as possible. And, with the next update in 2022, the system is going to improve a lot in all aspects. But, before its arrival, on this occasion, the company has addressed a problem related to the search functions of this operating system and the client of outlook mail.

Outlook is one of the most complete email clients that we can find for Windows. Above all, if we pay for the Microsoft 365 subscription. Thanks to it we will be able to centralize all our email accounts, access all messages, and work with them in a much more comfortable way than if we did it, for example, from the browser .

Outlook on Windows 11

This email client allows us easily search for messages from the Windows search engine itself. However, many users have found that when they search, the most recent messages do not appear in the results. This is because, for various reasons, the browser’s indexing functions are running much slower than expected, and are even stopped at times.

The problem equally affects both POP and IMAP email accounts As the exchange accounts. And, above all, it affects users who do not use Microsoft 365 accounts, since they use Windows Search for the indexing of emails instead of Service Search as used by subscribers.

Microsoft is working on a definitive solution to end, once and for all, with these problems. But, while this solution arrives, it recommends us to make a simple configuration in Windows so that the search works well.

A simple change in the Windows 11 registry

For indexing to work properly, a simple change to the Windows registry is required. To do this, the first thing we will do is open the editor using the keyboard shortcut Windows + R, and executing the command «regedit.exe«.

Once inside the editor, we will move to the following directory:


In a blank space, we will right-click and select the option New > Key, and we will name it “Windows Search”. Inside this new key, we will right-click again, and create a new 32-bit DWORD Value. We will call this value “PreventIndexingOutlook”, and, clicking with the right mouse button, we will give it the value “1”.

Everything is ready. We just have to close the registry editor, restart the computer and, when the PC starts up again, Outlook will have started using the system’s internal search engine, so the problems should have disappeared and everything should work correctly.

When Microsoft is done addressing and fixing the issue, in order to use Service Search again, what we will need to do is go back to the registry editor, locate the “PreventIndexingOutlook” entry, and change its value to “0”. After restarting, everything is back to normal.

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