
If you’re going to play Modern Warfare 2 and have an NVIDIA graphics card, don’t do this

Updates, whether drivers or Windows, it is better not to install them first in case they contain a bug. This has happened with NVIDIA GeForce 526.47 WHQL drivers, which are causing problems. Beenox, developers of Call of Duty Modern Warfare II, they ask that don’t update to these new drivers as they cause problems.

As we well know, NVIDIA and AMD when they release drivers for their graphics, they seek to improve the performance of the game. Sometimes, it can happen that the result is quite different from the desired one. This is the case with these NVIDIA drivers, which cause various performance issues in the game.

Do not update NVIDIA drivers

There are many users who have been reporting problems with crashes and other Problems with COD MW II after updating drivers. The problem is so important that the Beenox studio, in charge of developing the game, has asked on Twitter not to update. Game developers recommend NVIDIA GeForce 516.59 WHQL and GeForce 522.25 WHQL drivers.

Technically, the controllers NVIDIA GeForce 526.47 WHQL are not especiallyand optimized for him Modern Warfare 2. These are giving problems in the game that causes the game to crash. This issue has been acknowledged and appears to be under investigation. Also, NVIDIA also recognize the problem with the controllers and they are investigating the origin.

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We’ve noticed some stability issues with the latest NVIDIA drivers 526.47 on Call of Duty #MWII. For now we’d suggest you keep the 516.59, or 522.25 drivers.

October 27, 2022 • 22:55

We must bear in mind that NVIDIA drivers always come with the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) certification. This certification is only obtained when pass a series of software testing by from Microsoft. Therefore, we can understand that these controllers have passed all the relevant filters.

NVIDIA has wanted to make it clear that they always work to offer “the best possible gaming experience on all new major releases.” In addition, the company highlights that does not appear in the list support the new Modern Warfare 2 because in NVIDIA they would already be caware of the problem.

It appears that NVIDIA is currently working on a resolution to this issue. The company indicates that they do not have additional information or when they will have a correction of the problem ready. It is expected that the solution will not be long in coming, since the company is usually quite agile in correcting the problem.

call of duty modern warfare 2

Is Modern Warfare 2 a big release?

Most interesting of all, NVIDIA claims to release new drivers that are optimized for big releases. We will all agree that CoD MW 2 is a huge game with a large number of players all over the world.

Obviously software development is very complex and more so than drivers. They may have encountered an unforeseen problem and are working on fixing the problem. Simply, we should not update the drivers if we are going to play Modern Warfare 2.

But, just this problem comes at the same time that the RTX 4090 graphics cards are burning out. We’ve seen quite a few of these graphics cards end up with a melted power lead. A very serious problem that is destroying graphics cards of 2000 euros, which is very serious.

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