All users who want to try Windows 11 right now will be able to do so without problems. However, we cannot bet everything on it, since it is a system that is still in development and, in addition, it may still undergo changes before its final release.
If we have in mind to give you an opportunity to ask us about your news or simply to check if what you offer is what the media ensures (such as, for example, its outstanding performance), it is necessary to take the following into account.
Do you meet the Windows 11 requirements?
One of the changes that this operating system has undergone are its requirements. Windows 10 had the same requirements that we could find in Windows 7, despite being totally different generation operating systems. And this has ended up taking its toll on Microsoft.
With Windows 11, things are already different. The new OS now has some requirements that, although they are normal, are much higher than those of its predecessor. The first thing we will need is a 64 bit CPU, as there will be no 32-bit editing. In addition, this CPU must be relatively new (not more than 5 years old) to guarantee correct operation, and also be Dual-Core. Regarding RAM, our PC must have, at least, 4GB. And space on the hard disk we must have 64 GB free.
Requirements Windows 10 vs Windows 11
Windows 10
CPU | RAM | SSD | Secure Boot | TPM |
1 GHz (32-bit or 64-bit) | 1 GB in 32 bits 2 GB in 64 bits |
16 GB in 32 bits 32 GB in 64 bits |
Not | Not |
Windows 11
CPU | RAM | SSD | Secure Boot | TPM |
1 GHz, new generation with 2 cores, 64-bit | 4GB | 64 GB | Yes | Yes; TPM 2.0 |
In addition, the PC must have Secure Boot to be able to install the system and load it safely, and the motherboard must have the TPM 2.0 module, one of the most controversial requirements.
Make sure you have enough free space
Normally, if we are going to install Windows 11 from scratch, formatting the disk or partition, we will not have problems. But if what we are going to do is update maintaining programs and settings from Windows 10, then free space is very important.
We must ensure that we have enough space so that the download and installation of the operating system can be completed without problems. That is, we must have at least 32 GB of space. In addition, we must remember that the update creates a copy of the current system to be able to return to it in case of problems. This copy can occupy between 10 and 30 GB, and it is additional space that we must have on the PC.
Therefore, if we want to not have any space problems, at least our hard drive or SSD must have 64 GB of free space.
Do not sleep! You will only have 10 days to go back to Windows 10
Most likely, Windows 11 will not suit you quite well. And, if we have installed it on our main computer, we will surely find a way to go back. During the update process, Windows saves a copy of our current system so that if there are any problems in the update process, we can go back without problems. But only for a few days.
As with new versions of Windows 10, the option to go back and uninstall the latest update it is only available for 10 days. If after that time we continue using Windows 11, there will no longer be a way to return to Windows 10. Then, the only option we have is to format and install the operating system from scratch.
Windows 11 is still in beta
We must bear in mind that Windows 11 is still in beta. And in a very early beta. This new system is still incomplete (it has features inherited from Windows 10, and there are even entries that are not translated into Spanish), in addition to having a large number of bugs, errors and problems that can affect us on a day-to-day basis. In addition, there are programs that are not yet ready to be installed in this new OS, and there are no drivers that guarantee the correct functioning of the hardware.
If we want to test Windows 11 on our main PC we can do it, without any problem. Although we must take into account the 10-day limit to be able to go back and continue using Windows 10 until the launch of this new OS.
And, to test Windows 11 in the long term, it is best to do it in a VMware or VirtualBox virtual machine.