Is Ibai Llanos a zombie?
Episode 5 of What if…? Disney + Marvel –What would happen if…? in Spain- he has left us one of the plots alternatives most entertaining (and anticipated) that are remembered. In it we see how a zombie virus – from the Quantum Kingdom – has invaded and infected our planet, thus based on the alternate world of the limited series “Marvel Zombies”.
Needless to say, the Avengers are also infected, so that we find heroes like Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Wanda or Winter Soldier in their undead version. Best of all, they might not be the only ones familiar faces of the chapter.
As Ibai published today on his Twitter account, in the episode there appears a character who looks quite similar to him, a message that unsurprisingly has not stopped retweeting (it has 1,266 at the time of writing this article) and receiving I like you (more than 28 thousand):
Why is there a zombie in the What If series that is exactly like me
– Ibai (@IbaiLlanos) September 14, 2021
Although it is probably a mere coincidence and the resemblance that the drawing has with Ibai (shape of the face, beard, body complexion …) is the result of chance, it would not be so far-fetched that the people of Marvel studios it would have been inspired by the streamer for a character.
And it is that Ibai already appeared in a comic (of Batman, neither more nor less), only a couple of months ago. What you are reading.
The Ibai journalist from Batman
Specifically, it is the number 110 of “Batman” the one that has the appearance of Ibai Llanos or rather a reporter who works in some type of television newscast that has the same face.
Jorge Jiménez, a Spanish comic artist who works for Dc comics, was inspired by the streamer for the creation of this character, something that the Basque did not hesitate to thank and also show on his networks a couple of months ago:
Thank you @JorgeJimenezArt for drawing me in Batman comics
The truth is that I did not expect it and when they passed it to me I was very excited I do not understand anything jksjsjs
– Ibai (@IbaiLlanos) July 7, 2021
The appearance in this comic -whose distribution and translation in Spain, by the way, is in charge of the publishing house ECC Ediciones- is just another example of the great media power that Ibai Llanos has in our country and abroad.
Born in Bilbao, the also youtuber and electronic sports announcer is a social phenomenon. It has a whopping 7 million followers on Twitch, being able to boast of being the number 10 in the world. On Youtube the level does not decline either: 6.94 million subscribers are hooked on his videos.
With such repercussion you will understand that it does not surprise us at all that it has appeared in a comic by Dc comics (even if it is under another identity) or even that he has inspired a cartoonist from the Disney + series for this zombie with such bad temper.
And what do you think, is Ibai the one from What if…? or not?