
It seems that waiting times for Macs are normalizing

MacBook Air M2

New reports from analysts agree that shipping times for Macs seem to have normalized and are back to the usual average times before all the setbacks in the last two years. Whether due to COVID or lack of supplies, in certain items and/or Mac models, the waiting times for a consumer from purchase to receipt were sometimes quite long. Now it seems that it is not so.

According to JP Morgan analysts, the average time from when a user buys a Mac until they receive it has decreased compared to the figures that have been considered in recent weeks. Due to the situations that have been generated with the COVID pandemic and the lack of supplies, some users have come to wait months for a Mac model. Bearing in mind that in Europe, the health crisis, which is still going on, is being disappointed in a different way than in Asian countries. In the US or Europe, there are no longer lockdowns or store closures, but in China, for example, in the event of a virus outbreak, factories restrict their production and their workers must remain isolated.

This has meant that on occasions the productions of some Apple products have not withstood the pressure and not as many have been generated as requests have been made. This, added to the scarcity of components, has meant that sometimes it takes a long time to receive the Mac at home. But JP Morgan clarifies that right now and in the US the numbers balance again and the times have been reduced. Five days on average and eight days in North America. In June, this number reached 15 days globally, and 18 for North America.

It seems that October when the new Macs are introduced, there will be no problem getting them.

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