
JavaScript, Java and Python, technological skills most in demand by companies

According to a report published by the IT personnel recruitment platforms CodinGame Y CoderPadtitled The State of Tech Hiring in 2023 (State of Tech Hiring in 2023), the most demanded skills to technology related jobs In companies there are three programming languages: javascript, Java Y python. In these cases, the supply of professionals with knowledge of these languages ​​exceeds the demand.

But there are other languages ​​with which the opposite happens: the demand for professionals let them know is higher than the offer of those who have knowledge of them. It happens with TypeScript, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, and Go. Among framework developers, those who know Node.js, React, and .Net Core are the most in-demand professionals.

The demand for professionals accustomed to developing with them exceeds the job offer, since they are also the most popular in development. Meanwhile, Angular’s popularity among developers continues to decline, a trend that already appeared in the report made by these platforms last year.

The report The State of Tech Hiring 2023, published on January 10, has been carried out based on a survey among 14,000 professionals from different countries, and offers data on what 2023 can bring to recruiters in the technology sector and to those who seek employment in it. In view of the results obtained in it, it can be noted that, at least with regard to the demand for JavaScript, Java and Python skills; the trend continues in line with what happened in previous years.

In addition to the required skills, and their supply and demand, the report also reflects that despite the volatility in the technology sector, developers feel safe with their jobs. A third of those who responded to the survey for the report feel more secure than last year. For another 41% the situation has not changed.

The three technical skills that developers most want to learn are web development, AI and machine learning, and game development. As for recruiters, the top three skills they look for are web development, DevOps, and database software development.

As for the main problems that developers have to face in their jobs are changes in their schedule without planning, an unclear direction and the lack of technical knowledge of their team members.

Little surprising for many who are related to the sector, however, is the data of the number of developers without a computer science degree: 59%. Almost a third of them consider themselves, above all, self-taught. Regarding the work format, most teams are hybrids between teleworking and office work. Only 15% work in the office during their entire working day. Also, freelance development is becoming more and more popular.

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