
La Catrina walks through Rome

The Catrina came to visit the Etern Citya, as a good tourist she started in Popolo Square to greet all the Italians or foreigners who walk the streets of the center of the capital.

Little by little the catrinas were arriving to the appointment, the selfies with the people who passed by, were continuous, they recognized immediately what it was about, Mexico and its Fiesta de Muertos, because the world knows that for the Mexican Death it is color, music, joy, and to meet again with those who left this world in their day with those who are still alive.

The pilgrimage was carried out with the background music of the Llorona, Son de la Negra and Cielito Lindo, rain was forecast, but Rome graciously welcomed this unwanted guest, but from whom no one escapes to walk quietly through its more than 2700 years of being founded by Romulus and Remus who were suckled by the she-wolf as the legend says.

Las Catrinas walked along the San Pietrini, the cobblestone of Rome, came to greet Emperor Augustus with his mausoleum that a few months ago was opened to the public, in front of it, the Ara Pacis, a monument dedicated to the Roman goddess Pax where a ram and two oxen were sacrificed per year.

Police give way to death

The police stopped the traffic before a respected character, better not to dispute with death, the tour continued towards one of the jewels of Roman architecture and engineering, the Pantheon of Agrippa with its dome and oculus. The Catrinas wanted her photo as good tourists to publish them on their social networks and gain followers or a “like” that would make them an “influencer” in the virtual world.

The final quote of the Mexican death it was in Navona Square, at the Instituto Cervantes, where giant skulls and Italian television were waiting for her to make a live link and present her to the Italians making it known that La Catrina was a tourist in Rome taking photos and dancing the Llorona next to the Fountain of the Four Rivers with Lorenzo Bernini’s sculptures that surround the obelisk.

This is the first time that a parade of Catrinas and Catrines on Rome, which was organized by the Embassy of Mexico to close the celebrations of the Day of the Dead. Was present on Mariachi Romatitlán who sang the Mexican songs that accompanied the Catrina procession through the streets of Rome. Carlos Garcia de Alba, Ambassador of Mexico to Italy, expressed that there is a great curiosity on the part of Italians to know and learn more about this festival, adding that “it has to be repeated, grow and become a tradition in Rome and in Italy.


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