
League of Legends: how to play Zac AP mid lane

In League of Legends, there are two very specific groups: the tryhard who play following the MOBA meta and others who prefer choices troll more exotic and not so conventional. In the latter, there are certainly the players who play Zac AP in the mid lane.

It is true that the choice may not be the best, but it is far from the worst. By the way, a player nicknamed “GIMME A HOT BOY” recently made it to the Grandmaster of European ranked queues playing with this exotic pick. Perhaps living proof that, yes, the choice is viable.

Why play Zac AP in mid lane?

The fact that the champion has a high base damage and scales with AP could be one of the good reasons for the choice. But the main reason is certainly the originality factor: Zac is not a popular champion at higher echelons, let alone with an AP build.

So, the idea is to surprise enemies with ranged engages and burst damage, in addition to forcing opponents to face a lane without much information about the match up. On top of that, the champion also combines with resistance items and his passive can be useful after a forced initiation.

Of course, there are cons: possibly falling behind in gold and XP, being easily countered by other League of Legends champions, in addition to receiving some reports right in the pick selection. But all this can be ignored if mechanics and team spirit are up to date.

How to play Zac mid in League of Legends

Going into practice, know that playing Zac AP mid will require trusting your League of Legends teammates — yes, it’s hard. That’s because the gameplay with the champion should not focus on the lane phase, but on roaming around the map in order to guarantee your team an advantage.

The cycle will consist of pushing the mid lane and walking around the map to gank the lanes. Don’t care too much about the farm — the player “GIMME A HOT BOY”, for example, had a creep score of 2 minions per minute — but don’t forget to return to mid to at least guarantee experience.

Image: Playback/HappyChimeNoises

Afterwards, the focus will be on fights and pickoffs. Zac has one of the best initiations in League of Legends, which will make it easier when fighting. But besides the big fights, the champion is great for catching enemies by surprise or even in 1v1 duels.

For the rest, keep in mind that the champion will have a burst and a tank role at the same time. Because of this, the build will be based on items like Zhonyas, Demonic Embrace, Banshee’s Veil and an Immutable Ward as a mythical item. Too many items will be situational.

Choice is not for everyone

It is worth noting that from the same basket as Janna and Yummi at the top, Zac mid is not an easy choice. You will need to make good use of your engage kit to give your team an advantage while being careful when dealing with mid laners with large ranges.

But despite the difficulties, the choice can be a good way to catch enemies off guard and earn some LPs in SoloQ.

Via: HappyChimeNoises

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