Johan, single, does not understand why he consumes electricity worthy of a large family. The reason is simple: for the past three years, he has actually paid his neighbors’ electricity bills. For months, he has been trying to resolve the problem with Total Energie and Enedis, to no avail.
Johan, a young bachelor, probably regrets not having refused the installation of his Linky meter. For three years now, he pays abnormally high electricity bills, which would rather correspond to a large family with children. Especially since it does not have a television, occasionally uses its oven while the hot water and the heating are on gas …
Taken aback by this suspicious energy consumption, Johan took a closer look at his consumption records, half an hour by half an hour. Against all expectations, he realizes that his consumption does not decrease when he is not at home. And rather strange fact, it drops to zero when its neighbors are not at home.
“When I go on vacation, I completely switch off my apartment except for the fridge. When I came back I watched and there was no change in the curve despite leaving. (Ultram) There, I said to myself that either I had a fridge that consumed a lot of energy, or there was a problem with the meter. I realized while chatting with my neighbors that sometimes they were away. Suddenly, I looked at the consumption curves and each time they are absent, consumption is almost zero ”, he explains to our colleagues from RMC.
Read also: Linky – here is the amount you will have to pay if you refuse to install the meter
Enedis reverses the two counters …
he quickly understands that the two Linky meters, his own and that of his neighbors, have been reversed. In three years, Johan consumed 15,000 kilowatt-hours, while the family with children recorded 7,000 kilowatt-hours over the same period. That is to say 8,000 kilowatt-hours of difference at 15 euro cents on average per kilowatt-hour. This represents an annual and unjustified invoice of 1200 € for Johan.
Of course, Johan quickly contacted Enedis, in charge of Linky meters, and Total Energies, his electricity supplier. Only, the proceedings drag on, the two entities visibly delaying in finding a solution. “They tell me that they are going to help me and finally they ask me each time to send the same documents back, it never stops and there is no solution that does not lead to all of this! ”, he assures, annoyed.
For their part, the neighbors support Johan, but rightly fear have to pay a big catch on their electricity consumption, unjustly settled by the bachelor. They believe, however, that Enedis is primarily responsible for the problem and that they do not have to pay for the errors made (in particular the reversal of the two meters).
Source: RMC