
Logan Paul sacrifices rare Game Boy Color … to make a table

Videographer Logan Paul took a backlash after a video where he built a table out of Game Boy Color consoles.

When gamers aren’t happy, they show it. At Christmas, many people hoped to have a console at the foot of the tree, and, on December 26, there was one that possibly destroyed nearly fifteen. Logan Paul, famous American videographer, posted a video on Twitter of a project he finally made a reality: he built a table top with 15 Game Boy Colors.

On paper, the project looks very cool. What Nintendo fan wouldn’t dream of having such a table? But in practice, not everything went as planned. Logan Paul, who filmed the creation process, notably showed all the consoles he was going to use for his project… and some of them were collectors! We’re talking about a limited edition Game Boy Color Pokémon, or a fairly rare yellow version, among others.

Collector editions sacrificed … for a bad cause?

It is this detail that has had the gift of annoying players, who think that one of these Game Boy would have made an incredible gift, and rather sought after, to a child, a retrogaming fan or even a collector. On the networks, a user comments:

You could have used only fully customized replacement covers and buttons without any electronics to do this … But destroying the hardware is not correct in many ways. The probability that some of these consoles will survive is not 0%, but it is not close to 100% either.

Indeed, without taking into account the fact that the Game Boy Color were certainly not waterproof, and therefore that the resin was able to infiltrate during the process, it is about a material rather heavy for the consoles, and which therefore weighs on the entire device, including electronics. The fact that these Game Boy are still fully functional is what bothers the gaming community the most.

Some even go there from their personal recommendations on how the videographer should have gone about it. Logan Paul could for example have used a glass panel instead of submerging them in the resin, which would have had the same visual effect, without damaging the consoles and having in addition the possibility of personalizing everything whenever he wanted.

Logan Paul slipped again

At this time, the videographer has not responded to negative comments below his video. While many are pissed off, others are giving Logan Paul the benefit of the doubt, who didn’t say if the consoles used were still in working order or if they were doomed anyway. However, it should be kept in mind that this is not the first time that the content creator has been at the heart of controversy, it seems that he has even subscribed to it.

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