Given the agreement established for the transfer of data companies and individuals from the EU to the US, the giant Microsoft has positioned itself and has announced that, by the beginning of next year, it will present a data limitation that enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). This measure will fully help all customers in the European Union and the European Free Trade Association to comply with current regulations and industry standards.
In this way, it will be possible to store and work with the software in the cloud for the services of Microsoft 365, Azure, Dynamics 365 Y power platform.
The news of the agreement
Now, Microsoft is committed to extend EU data cap and include the storage and processing of additional categories of personal dataincluding those related to the receipt of technical support.
From Microsoft they have been very optimistic about it. And it is that this measure, as they affirm julie brill (Corporate Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer) and erin Chapple (corporate vice president) in an interview for a specialized blog on the subject, expand existing local storage and processing commitments. Thus, data flows outside Europe and taking advantage of the company’s own solutions would be greatly reduced.
All companies that operate within the European Union are obliged to comply with specific laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation itself, whose incorporation came in 2018 to protect user privacy facing international borders.
However, the United Kingdom currently presents a legal vacuum and enjoys a ‘mismatch’ which does allow you to share data with the EU freely. Despite everything, he ‘Schrems II ruling’ canceled the agreement Privacy Shield fixed with the US.
The activist who promoted the ‘Schrems II ruling’ with his work, Max Schremspreviously indicated that the decision does not meet at all the criteria established by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Microsoft seems skeptical to this agreement between the EU and the US, and does not trust that the protection of the data of its European clients will be complied with. For all these reasons, it prefers to protect its users against possible misuse of that data by US agencies.
Interestingly, the great cloud powers in the United States; Microsoft, Google Y AWS represented the 72% of European business spending on the cloud during the second quarter of this 2022, according to a study formulated by Synergy Research Group.
AWS offers its customers the ability to store data in one or more of its EU regions in France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and of course Spain.
Google Cloud promoted, in October, partnerships with different EU providers, including T-Systems in Germany, S3NS in France, Telecom Italy in Italy and minsait in Spain. All this as a result of its incessant work to guarantee regulatory compliance with the protection and functional movement of its clients’ data.