
Microsoft tries to capture Oracle users through Azure migration service

Microsoft has released a database migration tool to help Oracle users switch to a managed database service. PostgreSQL in Azure.

Database Migration Assessment for Oracle includes database migration recommendations and an assessment of the complexity of the database code itself. All of this helps make migration planning simplified for Oracle customers looking to modernize their data estate to Azure managed databases do so without a problem.

Migration from Oracle Database to Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure SQL

In this regard, Oracle customers can obtain sizing recommendations for the Oracle Database migration to Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure SQLincluding Azure SQL Database Hyperscale, which supports large workloads up to 100TB.

You have to go back to the beginning of 2022, when Oracle and Microsoft surprised by announcing Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azurean Oracle-managed service for Azure customers to help them provision, access, and operate Oracle Database services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with an Azure-like experience.

In his day, Carl Olofson, Research Vice President at IDC, commented: “Microsoft has offered basic migration capability from Oracle to SQL Server / Azure SQL Database for some time now. Many enterprise Oracle database implementations are very complex, making migration difficult and fraught with risk. This service is intended to be an expert service to provide a safer and more reliable way of migration.”

Microsoft has also claimed that it was adding PostgreSQL distributed support for Azure Cosmos DB, its distributed database service, built on the Hyperscale engine (Citus). At the same time, it is previewing support for the statistical language R in its Synapse data warehouse.

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